Junka Trukk

It’s not uncommon for Feral Ork tribes to capture vehicles left by other forces. These vehicles will have been heavily damaged, and it’s rare that a Feral Ork tribe will either have the mechanical expertise or spare parts needed to get them going. But that does not stop the Tribes from cobbling things together with their boilers and boars to make surprisingly effective war machines.

The Junka Trukk is a model from the Epic Armageddon range.

Having a Trukk model hanging around… I decided that I would see if I could build a 28mm Junka Trukk. It would be more Trukk than the Epic version, but the idea would be the same, cobbling things together with their boilers and boars to make surprisingly effective war machines.

I built the Trukk according to the instructions, but added two extra parts, a Rhino frontal armour plate to the front and a Land Raider top front door to the rear. I had these parts left over from using resin Forge World doors.

I then added a Rhino side door as a roof to the cab of the trukk. I also added the trukk’s frontal armour plate to the Rhino front armour plate I had already stuck into place.

Of course needs more junk!

Full workbench feature on the Junka Trukk with more photos.

Ork Stormboyz Nob

One of my Ork units I do like are my Stormboyz (even despite Simon calling them the Lipstick Boyz) however they are leaderless, until now!

Games Workshop do produce a Stormboyz Nob, however it is only available by mail order and not from their shops. So when I was up in Nottingham recently I did get the Stormboyz Nob when I visited Warhammer World. It is a nice model and will certainly give my Stormboyz mob a bit more punch.

You get a fair few parts. The main body, two arms, a head and the rokkit! The parts went together very easily. The only exception was the model was too heavy for the slottabase (and the tab was on the thin side).

So I decided to use a resin piece from my Urban Basing Kit and use a 40mm round base instead of the supplied 20mm base.

When I painted my Stormboyz I actually painted the rokkit packs separately, partly as I wanted to use light browns. With this model I have already stuck the rokkit pack to the Ork, so it will be black undercoated. However by using Foundation Paints, I am hoping that this will not be an issue.

Full workbench feature on the Stormboyz Nob.

Inquisitor Lorr

At the beginning of March 2005 on my blog I mentioned that GW were releasing a limited edition Witch Hunter model that would only be sold in the stores on the 2nd and 3rd April.

Well I didn’t think I was going to get one, but I was on my way over to Simon’s for a game of Space Hulk and stopped off at the GW store and picked one up.

It is a very nice model and is based on the Witch Hunter model that is available in the boxed set, but has a different weapon (plasma pistol) and is pointing rather than holding a sword. Personally I think it is a better model.

Now at the time I thought do I paint it, or do I keep it and sell it on eBay in a few years time (or does everyone do that).

After much thought (well two and a half years) I decided that I would put together the model and paint it. The casting comprises a single casting, but the model is in two parts.

Inquisitor Lorr

The model goes together very easily.

Rules can be found in White Dwarf #304 for this model.

You can see some painted Warhammer 40K Witch Hunter miniatures in our Witch Hunters Gallery.

Ork Kommando with Burna

I have been putting together my Ork Kommando with Burna and basing him with some Games Workshop modelling sand and slate.

The model goes together quite well, initially I left off the backpack to paint separately, though since I took these photographs, I changed my mind and stuck it on.

He will join my other Kommandos that I am working on.

Ork Kommando with Burna workshop feature.

Mark IIb Land Raider Sponsons

I have added the lascannon sponsons to my Daemonhunters Mark IIb Land Raider.

Land Raider

They fit over the gaps where the doors and lascannon assemblies go on the “traditional” plastic “modern” Land Raider.

Land Raider

I have used Inquisitor Rhino doors on the sponsons, the normal Land Raider doors don’t fit they are slightly bigger.

I much prefer this model over the “modern” Land Raider and if I get a second Land Raider then it will be another Mark IIb.

This then begs the question what do I do with Grey Knights Land Raider doors I have?

Full workbench feature on the Mark IIb Land Raider.