Forge World Ork Gunwagon

I got a Forge World Ork Gunwagon many years ago, well in 2006.

Ork Gunwagon with Kannon

A variant of a standard Battlewagon, a basic gunwagon consists of a powerful engine and a mounted Big Shoota on a chassis. A gunwagon only has a seat for the driver, but hand holds are provided to transport Orks over short distances. Much like other Ork vehicles, the gunwagon is a highly modifiable platform, and can be armed with a Zzap Gun, a Kannon, or a quad of Flak guns while still retaining its transport capabilities. In addition, the gunwagon can be up-armoured to protect the driver and gunner, and also mounts an extra Big Shoota.

Gunwagon with Kannon

This kit hasn’t been available from Forge World for some years now. There isn’t a like for like replacement either.

Gunwagon with Kannon

I have noticed that Forge World’s list of Ork kits has shrunk over the years. Their big Ork tanks are no longer available. Glad I got some when I did, though I should get to finish painting them.

Ork Gunwagon with Kannon from Felix's collection
Ork Gunwagon with Kannon from Felix’s collection

My Gunwagon is armed with a Forge World Kannon. Though it is not fixed, so I can replace it with other heavy weapons.

Here is the Gunwagon next to a Looted Rhino for a size comparison.

Ork Gunwagon with Kannon
Ork Gunwagon with Kannon alongside a Squiggoth

Workbench feature on the Forge World Ork Gunwagon.

Ork Gunwagon

I’ve always liked the Ork Gunwagon, which was one of the first Forge World models that was released and was one of the first that I purchased. After a while Forge World started releasing them with bigger more powerful weapons.

This is a Forge World Gunwagon with Big Shoota

Ork Gunwagon

Another Forge World Ork Gunwagon, this one is armed with Big Zzappa

Ork Gunwagon

From the Display Cabinets at GamesDay.

Mega Dread and Gunwagon

One of the highlights of GamesDay 2009 for me was the fantastic Ork Shanty Town display that Forge World did. There were many of the new Forge World models including the excellent Mega Dread. Also in this photograph is a Gunwagon armed with Big Zappa.


I really like the Mega Dread model, which combined with Killa Kans and Dreadnoughts gives the Orks a variety of walkers that you would expect to find in their forces.

Ork Gunwagon with Kannon

A Forge World Ork Gunwagon with Kannon that was entered into the GamesDay 2005 UK Golden Demon awards. Unfortunately the depth of field in this photograph is quite poor, which is down to having to take photographs without a tripod in many cases badly lit cases. Still you get the general idea behind the image.

Forge World Ork Gunwagon with Lobba
Forge World Ork Gunwagon with Lobba

See more photographs of Ork Gunwagons. How I made and painted my own Ork Gunwagon.

More photographs from GamesDay 2005.

Weathered Ork Gunwagon

One of the highlights of GamesDay 2009 for me was the fantastic Ork Shanty Town display that Forge World did. There were many of the new Forge World model and some older one such as this Ork Gunwagon.

Forge World Gunwagon with Big Shoota
Forge World Gunwagon with Big Shoota

This model has been weathered using the new weathering powders. I did get some at GamesDay but have not had the chance to try them out yet. I didn’t buy the whole set I got rust, soot and earth.

Check out my Games Day 2009 Gallery.

See more photographs of Ork Gunwagons.

Ork Gunwagon with Big Zzappa

One of the highlights of GamesDay 2009 for me was the fantastic Ork Shanty Town display that Forge World did. There were many of the new Forge World models including the new big gunz, mounted on the older Ork Gunwagon. This is the new Big Zzappa.

Forge World Ork Gunwagon with Big Zappa
Forge World Ork Gunwagon with Big Zappa

Check out my Games Day 2009 Gallery.