Tyranid Hierodule

The Hierodule is a type of Tyranid Bio-Titan, but stands smaller than its more massive cousin the Hierophant. This class of bioform is brought into action only against the most determined defences. Hierodules are immense creatures, towering over the battlefield and bristling with spines, claws, tendrils and apocalyptic bio-weapons.

The Barbed Hierodule (Uncus hierodule domitor), is a mutation of the Scythed Hierodule it, has just two scythe-like claws but now has two massive Bio-cannons. The acidic symbiote creature was gone, and the Hierodule’s frontal chitinous armour plates had grown and thickened for extra protection.

Barbed Hierodule

The Scythed Hierodule is armed with four huge razor-sharp claws, each capable of slicing clean through a battle tank, and heavily protected by chitin plates, in places up to 30 centimetres thick. A Hierodule is far larger than a Carnifex, a monstrous-killing machine even by Tyranid standards.

Scythed Hierodule

I have always liked these Forge World models, especially the paint scheme of the Scythed Hierodule. Sadly these models are no longer available, replaced with new plastic beasts, but not the same as the Hierodule.

Magnir’s Crag

Magnir’s Crag is (now) quite an old diorama that has been around at GamesDay 2009 and then into Warhammer World.

A nightmarish tendril of Hive Fleet Behemoth has descended upon an ancient fortress of the Space Wolves. The alien monstrosities are held at bay by the dauntless warriors of Fenris, but for every horror slain, a dozen take its place.

This display was originally made by the Design Studio for Games Day 2009, then displayed in Warhammer World, and now has been restored and updated by the Warhammer World Studio team. Magnir’s Crag has been updated with a variety of newer kits, such as Thunderwolf Cavalry, the Venerable Space Wolf Dreadnought and the Tyranid Trygon.

More photographs of the Manger’s Crag diorama.

Retreat from Kitzu VII

This diorama was one of the displays at Warhammer World.

Responding to reports of alien-worshipping cults rising on Kitzu VII, Kayvaan Shrike leads his Raven Guard to reinforce the planet’s Imperial defenders. Upon arrival, the Space Marines discover a world already overrun by Tyranid monstrosities. Determined to salvage something from the disaster, Shrike’s warriors hunt down and kill several of the evolved xenos beasts, harvesting bio-samples for future study. In danger of being surrounded and devoured, the Space Marines stage a fighting retreat across the Celestrus macro-viaduct, their Stormraven gunship moving to extract them.

Many of the Tyranid miniatures were from the (dismantled) Valedor diorama. The Valedor diorama showcased Eldar defending again the Tyranid hordes.

On the dying world of Duriel, once the glittering capital of the Valedor system, the forces of the Eldar Craftworld Iyandem attempt to halt the advance of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken.


The Tyranids are an extragalactic composite species of hideous, insectoid xenos that is actually a space-faring ecosystem comprised of innumerable different bioforms which are all variations on the same genetic theme.

At Warhammer World there are some beautiful Tyranid models in the display cabinets.

Here are a couple of Maleceptors.

The Maleceptor is a living vessel for the Hive Mind. Warp energy spears from its eyeless cranium to vaporise anything in its path, and those with minds strong enough to survive its keening psychic screams are laid low by its powerful talons.

Here is a Tyranid Harpy.

Harpies are monstrous bioforms that fly with a deftness and agility unattainable by even the most sophisticated fighter-craft. As they soar overhead, they rain clusters of living bombs onto prey worlds and spit death from their forelimbs. A mean looking vicious  beast.

More photographs of Tyranids from Warhammer World, GamesDay and Simon’s collection.

Valedor – Eldar defending against Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken

On the dying world of Duriel, once the glittering capital of the Valedor system, the forces of the Eldar Craftworld Iyandem attempt to halt the advance of the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken.

This massive display was at Warhammer World and includes over a thousand models. There are twenty-six Carnifexes as well as multiple Eldar titans.


Wraithknights are colossal Eldar Wraithbone constructs. Looming ghost warriors many times larger than even the mighty Wraithlords, the war machines known as Wraithknights are still dextrous enough to run through the ruin of a shattered city, leaping from pillar to spar as their arcane weapons bring oblivion to the enemies of the Aeldari.

A Wraithknight prepares to attack along with an Eldar Falcon tank and Wave Serpent troop carrier.

Wider shot of the battlefield, showing the land literally breaking apart as the forces fight for dominance.

Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan treading carefully. The Hierophant is amongst the largest and most formidable of the Tyranid Bio creatures faced by ground forces.

Eldar Wave Serpent bringing troops into the heart of battle. The Wave Serpent is the main troop carrier of a Craftworld’s army. Protected inside its sleek hull, strike forces of Aspect Warriors and Guardians can be transported in safety to any part of the battlefield. The Wave Serpent’s energy field projectors generate a rippling bow wave of force at the front of the craft that disrupts incoming fire. Its powerful anti-grav engines give it speed enough to hurtle across a battlefield in seconds.

This overview of the diorama shows the size of it, though there is some reflection on the glass from the lights.

It was a wonderfully put together display and the combination of swarms of Tyranids assaulting the mighty Eldar was a sight to behold. The scenery was amazing as well, the glowing lava pits looked really hot. The only thing missing was steam and smoke.

Scythed Hierodule

Scythed Hierodule

This is the Forge World Barbed Scythed at Warhammer World.

The Hierodule is a type of Tyranid Bio-Titan, but stands smaller than its more massive cousin the Hierophant. This class of bioform is brought into action only against the most determined defences. Hierodules are immense creatures, towering over the battlefield and bristling with spines, claws, tendrils and apocalyptic bio-weapons.

It is armed with four huge razor-sharp claws, each capable of slicing clean through a battle tank, and heavily protected by chitin plates, in places up to 30 centimetres thick. A Hierodule is far larger than a Carnifex, a monstrous-killing machine even by Tyranid standards.

Tyranid Barbed Hierodule

Barbed Hierodule

This is the Forge World Barbed Hierodule at Warhammer World.

The Hierodule is a type of Tyranid Bio-Titan, but stands smaller than its more massive cousin the Hierophant. This class of bioform is brought into action only against the most determined defences. Hierodules are immense creatures, towering over the battlefield and bristling with spines, claws, tendrils and apocalyptic bio-weapons.

Barbed Hierodule

The Barbed Hierodule (Uncus hierodule domitor), is a mutation of the Scythed Hierodule  it, has just two scythe-like claws but now has two massive Bio-cannons. The acidic symbiote creature was gone, and the Hierodule’s frontal chitinous armour plates had grown and thickened for extra protection.