Plaguereaper of Nurgle

This conversion of a Baneblade into a Plaguereaper was done for Apocalypse from 2007. It took the then new Imperial Guard Baneblade super heavy tank and was converted not just into a Chaos Baneblade, but a Plaguereaper of Nurgle.

Plaguereaper of Nurgle

A Plaguereaper of Nurgle, also known as a Chaos Plaguereaper or more simply as a Plaguereaper, is a Chaos-corrupted variant of the Baneblade super-heavy main battle tank used by the Imperium of Mankind’s Imperial Guard.

Plaguereaper of Nurgle

The Plaguereaper is used by the forces of Chaos affiliated with Nurgle, the Chaos God of plague, decay and corruption. The Plaguereaper has been distorted beyond all recognition by the “gifts” bestowed upon it by Nurgle, and has been transformed into a gurgling, fortress surrounded by a cloud of pestilence and disease.

The vehicle features large vats of virulent slime distilled from rotting, plague-ridden corpses mounted on its sides. These large vats are used to feed the tank’s main weapon, a massive Pus Cannon. The weapon is connected to the corpse vats via large bulging pipes which fill the weapon will a horrendous concoction of disgusting toxic and corrosive slime.

A living chaos tank, still a great conversion.

More photographs of the Plaguereaper of Nurgle.

Baneblade Super Heavy Tank

These models of the Imperial Guard Baneblade super heavy tank were on display at Warhammer World.

The Baneblade super heavy tank is the standard super heavy for the Imperial Guard. It’s huge and the design is one of the oldest in service with the armed forces of the Imperium. It is one of the Standard Template Construct (STC) designs that ensures that  Forge Worlds across the galaxy are able to easily manufacture the tanks to a consistent design.  The size means a large crew, ten in all. They are often used as command vehicles by Imperial Guard commanders.

With a range of armaments, a Baneblade is less of a tank and more of a tracked fortress. An unmistakable icon of the Imperium’s armoured supremacy, a single one of these super-heavy war engines can serve as the mailed fist of an Imperial Guard offensive, or as the unassailable lynchpin of even the most desperate of defences.

The Baneblade was originally an Epic design, but was then available as a modelling project in White Dwarf. Forge World produced a resin version for many years. In 2007 a plastic version of the tank was made available. We shouldn’t forget the 1/6th scale version that Forge World showcased at Games Day 2006.

Initially I wasn’t a fan, I thought it was too big, but over the years I have come to like the concept.

Imperial Guard Baneblade

This Imperial Guard Baneblade super heavy tank was on display at Warhammer World. It was from Damien Pedley’s collection.

The Baneblade super heavy tank is the standard super heavy for the Imperial Guard. It’s huge and the design is one of the oldest in service with the armed forces of the Imperium. It is one of the Standard Template Construct (STC) designs that ensures that  Forge Worlds across the galaxy are able to easily manufacture the tanks to a consistent design.  The size means a large crew, ten in all. They are often used as command vehicles by Imperial Guard commanders.

With a range of armaments, a Baneblade is less of a tank and more of a tracked fortress. An unmistakable icon of the Imperium’s armoured supremacy, a single one of these super-heavy war engines can serve as the mailed fist of an Imperial Guard offensive, or as the unassailable lynchpin of even the most desperate of defences.

This Tallarn Desert Raiders Baneblade, from the ‘Eavy Metal team,  was also on display at Warhammer World.

Another Baneblade painted by the Games Workshop team, was also at Warhammer World.

The Baneblade was originally an Epic design, but was then available as a modelling project in White Dwarf. Forge World produced a resin version for many years. In 2007 a plastic version of the tank was made available. We shouldn’t forget the 1/6th scale version that Forge World showcased at Games Day 2006.

Initially I wasn’t a fan, I thought it was too big, but over the years I have come to like the concept. Will I buy the model? Well I might.

New models for Legions Imperialis revealed

So after the accidental reveal, yesterday we saw the official reveal of some new models for Legion Imperialis. 

As well as the Rhino and Baneblade we saw yesterday, we also have the Kratos.


The Kratos is a staple of Space Marine armoured companies, and one of the heaviest tanks available to the Legions Astartes. 

We also have the Solar Auxilia Banelade.


….the iconic superheavy tank hits the battlefield in detachments of up to six, with a kit that can be used to create Baneblades or Hellhammers, alongside a huge range of hull, sponson, and cupola options.

We also have the Deimos pattern Rhino.


These are nice models that have potential for conversions. In the day I did a fair few Epic 40K conversions.

Also in the photos are a couple of Arvus flyers.

Legions Imperialis

We’ve seen these before in Aeronautica Imperialis.

Hidden miniatures in plain view

Over on the Warhammer Community site they have previewed some exciting new terrain for Legions Imperialis.

They have also inadvertently shown us some new models for Legions Imperialis.

In the video we can see Deimos Pattern Rhino armoured vehicles.

These look like really detailed miniature models.

There’s a super heavy Solar Auxilia Baneblade tank.

Wondering what other miniatures will be released.

Imperial Guard Baneblade

This Imperial Guard Baneblade was on display at Warhammer World in early 2020.

Imperial Guard Baneblade

Another view of this Baneblade from the 2009 ForgeWorld Open Day.

Imperial Guard Baneblade on display at Warhammer World.
Imperial Guard Baneblade on display at Warhammer World.

The Baneblade is the primary super-heavy tank of the Astra Militarum, and one of the largest and oldest armoured fighting vehicles in the service of the Imperial armed forces. The tank is a venerated Standard Template Construct (STC) design, with ten people needed to fully crew one. It is also one of the oldest STC designs in existence. They are often used as command vehicles by Imperial Guard commanders.

Imperial Guard Baneblade Miniatures Gallery.


Astra Militarum Super Heavy Tanks

In the display cabinets at Warhammer World there are some really nice models of the Astra Militarum Super Heavy Tanks.

A single super-heavy tank is a dominant presence in an Astra Militarum battle line. As it ploughs inexorably forward it lays down a wide path of destruction. Enemy ranks shatter long before it reaches their position, and those unlucky few who are able to maintain their defensive formations are ground to paste under the slab-like plates of its tracks.

The Imperial Shadowsword Super Heavy Tank is the sister tank of the more common Baneblade super-heavy tank of the Astra Militarum.

The Shadowsword is a nearly identical super-heavy tank to the Baneblade with the exception of its armament and battlefield role as a Titan-killer. Armed with a massive forward-firing gun known as a Volcano Cannon the Shadowsword’s primary focus during combat is the destruction of enemy Titans.

The Banesword is designed for use in siege and urban warfare, its quake cannon able to pulverise enemy armour and reduce fortifications to rubble with equal impunity. The Banesword is armed with a fearsome array of weapons – none more so than the mighty quake cannon on its turret. It can also be equipped with a pair of sponsons sporting a twin heavy bolter or twin heavy flamer, each capped by a lascannon turret!

The Hellhammer is a super-heavy tank of the Astra Militarum that is a variant of the infamous Baneblade tank.

The Hellhammer replaces the rocket-assisted Mega Battle Cannon or Baneblade Cannon of the Baneblade with a Hellhammer Cannon, a variation of the Battle Cannon commonly found on the Leman Russ main battle tank. It has a shorter barrel with special heavy-gauge suppressors built into it that allows it to fire extremely high-calibre shells without ripping itself apart. These shells are designed to destroy armour and emplacements with an unstable sub-atomic charge.

The Doomhammer is armed with a fearsome array of weapons – none more so than the mighty magma cannon on its turret. It can also be equipped with a pair of sponsons sporting a twin heavy bolter or twin heavy flamer, each capped by a lascannon turret!

The magma cannon of the Doomhammer is a smaller version of the volcano cannon, though its compact size allows for troop transport space within the hull.

See more photographs of the Astra Militarum Super Heavy Tanks in the miniatures gallery.

Imperial Guard Baneblade

The Baneblade is the primary super-heavy tank of the Astra Militarum, and one of the largest and oldest armoured fighting vehicles in the service of the Imperial armed forces. The tank is a venerated Standard Template Construct (STC) design, with ten people needed to fully crew one. It is also one of the oldest STC designs in existence. They are often used as command vehicles by Imperial Guard commanders.

Bristling with armaments, a Baneblade is less of a tank and more of a rolling fortress. An unmistakable icon of the Imperium’s armoured supremacy, a single one of these super-heavy war engines can serve as the mailed fist of an Astra Militarum offensive, or as the unassailable lynchpin of even the most desperate of defences.

Here is a photograph of a Tallarn Imperial Guard Baneblade from the display cabinets at Warhammer World

Tallarn Baneblade

Here is a photograph of the same Tallarn Baneblade taken at GamesDay 2007.

Tallarn Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007.
Tallarn Baneblade on display at GamesDay 2007

This is a Steel Legion Baneblade that was also on display at Warhammer World.

Steel Legion Baneblade

More photographs of Imperial Guard Baneblade super heavy tanks.

Chaos Iron Warriors

This is a rather nice looking Iron Warriors Chaos Basilisk that was on display in Warhammer World in Nottingham back in 2007.

Chaos Iron Warriors

This is a rather nice looking Iron Warriors Chaos Vindicator (if somewhat badly photographed) that was in the display.

Iron Warriors Chaos Vindicator

Alongside in the same display cabinet  was this BaneBlade heavy tank.

Iron Warriors Chaos BaneBlade

Again very nicely painted and looks very menacing.

Part of much larger Iron Warriors army by Christian Bryne.

And so it begins…

As was rumoured and eagerly anticipated, Games Workshop have announced (for pre-order) their new Apocalypse rules for Warhammer 40K.


Apocalypse is a new way of playing games of Warhammer 40,000. Allowing you to field as many miniatures as you like, in any combination. There really are no limits to what you can do.

There are some new models and re-releases of older models (complete with corresponding price increase of course).

For Chaos there is the huge Khorne Lord of Skulls, which looks ridiculous, unless of course you are a Chaos player and like the bizarre and the weird.
For Necron there is the Tesseract Vault or Obelisk, which I do think is a really interesting and different concept. It’s not a tank or a flyer in the tradition sense, it’s something different.

For the Imperial Guard we have the BaneBlade, though I do think we’ve seen that before… 😉

In addition there are some scenery packs. Though I am not sure if these are new releases or re-releases.

Update yes there is new scenery.

As you might expect, slightly disappointed that there are no releases for the Orks, but you never know what might happen next month…