The Imperial Guard have a range of artillery, one of the most common variants is the self-propelled Basilisk.
It is used extensively by the Imperial Guard and is produced in vast numbers.
This is a Catachan Basilisk on display at Warhammer World.
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Seeing the previews of the new Legions Imperialis Artillery models over on the Warhammer Community site made me realise how much I preferred the older versions of the Medusa and the Basilisk.
Though the Horus Heresy versions have been available from Forge World, and these are detailed models, I am not a fan.
This Solar Auxilia Basilisk was on display at Warhammer World.
Many Solar Auxilia Cohorts maintain their own mobile artillery batteries, favouring a class ideally suited to their particular battle doctrines.
Firing from long distance, the Basilisk can lay down a fearsome barrage ahead of the advancing ranks of the Solar Auxilia. Their hulls, derived from the Solar pattern Leman Russ, offer enhanced protection from enemy weapons and can equip a pintle-mounted weapon such as the ubiquitous multi-laser, adding a close quarters defence capability should enemy infantry advance too near.
This is a rather nice looking Iron Warriors Chaos Basilisk that was on display in Warhammer World in Nottingham back in 2007.
This is a rather nice looking Iron Warriors Chaos Vindicator (if somewhat badly photographed) that was in the display.
Alongside in the same display cabinet was this BaneBlade heavy tank.
Again very nicely painted and looks very menacing.
Part of much larger Iron Warriors army by Christian Bryne.
This very nice Forge World Armageddon pattern enclosed Basilisk was made up and painted by Warwick Kinrade. It was in the display cabinets at GamesDay 2008.
More photographs of the Armageddon pattern enclosed Basilisk.
An Armageddon Pattern Basilisk from Simon’s collection. This is the interior view with the detail inside.
Side view.
This picture (as seen before) shows it as it moves forward through the ruins of an Imperial city.
This is the Forge World kit, it comes with resin and plastic parts.
An Armageddon Pattern Basilisk from Simon’s collection moves forward through the ruins of an Imperial city.
This is the Forge World kit, it comes with resin and plastic parts.
An Epic Imperial Guard Basilisk moves through the ruins of an Imperial City.
The model is from the Epic 40000 era and is very well detailed.
From Simon’s collection. More photographs of Epic Imperial Guard.
A battery of Imperial Guard Basilisk Artillery deploy ready to deliver an Imperial blow to the enemies of the Imperium. In the background can be seen an Imperial statue of a Space Marine.
The models are from the Epic 40000 era and are very well detailed.
From Simon’s collection. More photographs of Epic Imperial Guard.
A column of Imperial Guard Artillery move through the ruins of an Imperial city, with their flank guarded by a BaneBlade.
The models are from the Epic 40000 era and are very well detailed.
From Simon’s collection. More photographs of Epic Imperial Guard.