Orc War Wyvern

Orc War Wyvern

As part of the pre-orders available last weekend, when they were announced I said I love the fact that the Orc Warboss on Wyvern will be coming back, this time as a resin model.

This model isn’t though, Azhag the Slaughterer from 8th Edition.

Azhag the Slaughterer

I did write when Azhag the Slaughterer came out that he might make an ideal Boss for my Feral Orks. As with many ideas, it got no further than just an idea. 

This re-release has made me think again about that idea. 

I might have to get two, one for my Orks, and one for my Orcs.

I do have the original Warhammer Fantasy War Wyvern TA3, but that is both an old model, painted as a fantasy model, but also I have no idea where it is.

TA3 Orc War Wyvern

This is the old Citadel Orc War Wyvern, which is from the Games Workshop archive and was on display at Warhammer World.

TA3 stood for Tony Ackland. Tony was one of the early artists, designers and sculptors for Citadel Miniatures (and Games Workshop).

An early release for Warhammer, I do in fact have one of these, somewhere! I remember having real issues gluing the wings using an epoxy resin glue, which I used back them to stick models together. Even then I then added lots of Milliput to keep them attached to the body. Today I would probably need to pin the wings to the body and use green stuff to fill the gaps.

Games Workshop have recently re-released a newer resin version of a old (but not as old as this one) metal Orc War Wyvern kit for Warhammer: The Old World.

The green tide is coming back…

I was a little surprised to see on the Warhammer Community details announced of all the models that will be released for Orcs and Goblins for Warhammer The Old World.

I was really surprised by the sheer quantity of miniatures, new and old, that are going be available for building a green horde.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the range of models that will be available and the fact they are going to re-release models that are in some cases over thirty years old.

When I heard about Warhammer The Old World I did think I might raise a Dwarf army, but now I am seriously tempted to build an Orc and Goblin horde. Knowing that I can easily use my existing models, I think this could be a fun army to build.

I love the fact that the Orc Warboss on Wyvern will be coming back, this time as a resin model.

I also saw that Snotling Swarms and the Snotling Pump Wagon are on the release schedule. 

I am also tempted to get some Trolls, models I never got when I originally built my army.



Orruk Megaboss on Maw-krusha

This Orruk Megaboss on Maw-krusha was on display at Warhammer World.

Orruk Megabosses are pretty killy – it’s how they become as huge as they do, all that stompin’ causes them to grow and grow and grow until the power of the Waaagh! flows through them. But for some Megabosses, this isn’t enough! These particularly angry orruks seek out and subdue enormous Maw-krushas (often by yelling really, really loudly at them) – ill-tempered and powerful creatures who enjoy smashing stuff up almost as much as the orruks themselves. This uneasy pairing never really gets along especially well, and the Megaboss needs to constantly remind his Maw-krusha who’s in charge with the liberal application of an iron boot to the back of the head. Despite this, almost nothing on the battlefield can withstand their noisy rampage, and the immense number of kills they rack up inspires nearby orruks to fight ever harder.

When this came out I did think it would be a great model for my Feral Ork army. However as most things, it is still an idea and nowhere near getting anywhere close to the workbench. I would have to buy the model in the first place and there is already too many things on my workbench and on my wish list. I will still think about it though.

Dwarves versus Orcs – Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Dwarves fighting Orcs by a town hall. The buildings are resin castings from Steve Barber models.

The Dwarves are a combination of old and new (well at the time) metal castings.

As well as a Dwarf Wizard (back when there were Dwarf Wizards), there are a couple of original non-slottabase Bugman Rangers as well.

The Orcs are Orc Archers, metal castings with plastic shields.

This is a rescan of an old photograph from the 1990s.

Fantasy Miniatures Gallery

Sharke of the Rifles

Flintloque, a game of Fantasy Napoleonics is published by Alternative Armies. The game pits “British” Orcs against “French” Elves. Other fantasy races make up the other major “European” powers during the Napoleonic Wars.

Sharke is an officer in the Rifles.

Orc models are from Alternative Armies. The buildings are resin castings from Steve Barber models.

Flintloque Orc Miniatures Gallery

Flintloque Orc Rifles

Flintloque, a game of Fantasy Napoleonics is published by Alternative Armies. The game pits “British” Orcs against “French” Elves. Other fantasy races make up the other major “European” powers during the Napoleonic Wars.

Flintloque Orc Rifles enter a village to see if there are any Elves hiding in the shadows.

Orc models are from Alternative Armies. The buildings are resin castings from Steve Barber models.

Flintloque Orc Miniatures Gallery

Ork Glyphs

I was looking through a box of sprues when I found some Ork glyphs. I thought these would be useful for attaching to vehicles. I also thought it would be easier to paint them on the sprue rather than attaching them to the Ork vehicles whilst constructing them, and then painting them in situ.

I also found some Orc Warrior shields and motifs, which again I thought would work on my Ork vehicles.

The glyphs here are from the Ork Trukk plastic kit, whilst the shields are from the fantasy Orc Warriors set, which I have been using to model some Feral Ork Warriors. 

I decided to leave them on the sprues to make them easier to paint and to then affix them to the final model.

I gave the sprues a white undercoat.

Here are the shields.

I then used a range of paints to for the base coats, using mainly contrast paints.

The Ork “teef” were painted with Ushabti Bone and then highlighted with White Scar.

The Evil Sunz symbols were painted with Blood Angels Red and Imperial Fist.

I did find some more glyphs, so started to paint them in the same way.

I used slightly different colours.

Here are the glyphs attached various Wartrakks and my Ork Looted Rhino.

Here is the Ork Aircraft Traktor.

For this Grot Bomb Launcha vehicle I added a glyph to the front and the back.

I attached my other green glyph to a Wartrakk.

I attached two to the big turret on my Ork Looted Rhino.

I will do some more of these for other vehicles I have.

Orc Rogue Idol at Warhammer World

This is a Forge World Orc Rogue Idol at Warhammer World. When I first saw this model, I wasn’t too sure, but the more I look at it, the more I liked it.

When greenskin tribes gather for war, foetid effigies depicting the Orc gods Gork and Mork will be constructed. Using rock, dung, old battle trophies and other detritus, these ‘statues’ are intended to bring the favour of Mork (or possibly Gork) to the Orcs and Goblins mustering in their shadow. Some are no more than a heap of stones or no larger than a chapel door, but when a Waaagh! is brewing they can grow to immense proportions, and become so infused with the greenskins’ lust for battle that they are roused into life and will lumber forth to crush and bludgeon the enemy.

If a Waaagh! is subsequently defeated, or the concentration of greenskin magic dissipates, the idol will lapse back into immobility. However, when a Storm of Magic rages across the Warhammer world these gigantic devotions to the greenskin gods may rise up again as a Rogue Idol, mindlessly attacking all in their way until the storm blows its course.

I really like the modelling that has been done and the use of scenic materials to make it really look like it is just stones that are drawn together by magic.

I did think that it could be a good model for a Feral Ork army for WH40K.

Orruk Megaboss on Maw-krusha at Warhammer World

These two Megaboss on Maw-krusha models were on display at Warhammer World.

Orruk Megabosses are pretty killy – it’s how they become as huge as they do, all that stompin’ causes them to grow and grow and grow until the power of the Waaagh! flows through them. But for some Megabosses, this isn’t enough! These particularly angry orruks seek out and subdue enormous Maw-krushas (often by yelling really, really loudly at them) – ill-tempered and powerful creatures who enjoy smashing stuff up almost as much as the orruks themselves. 

This uneasy pairing never really gets along especially well, and the Megaboss needs to constantly remind his Maw-krusha who’s in charge with the liberal application of an iron boot to the back of the head. 

Despite this, almost nothing on the battlefield can withstand their noisy rampage, and the immense number of kills they rack up inspires nearby orruks to fight ever harder.

When this came out I did think it would be a great model for my Feral Ork army. However as most things, it is still an idea and nowhere near getting anywhere close to the workbench. I would have to buy the model in the first place and there is already too many things on my workbench and on my wish list. I will still think about it though.