The Merwyrm returns from the depths

In the Warhammer Community there was news about the re-release of the Merwyrm for Warhammer: The Old World.

The Merwyrms are distant, watery cousins of the dragons, among the most ancient beasts in the Old World. The Sea Lords sometimes summon and bind them to their will, letting them loose writhe in battle, battering and eviscerating the foe with their heavy bulk and sharp claws – a dark, watery foil to the nobility of the dragons above.

What’s interesting is the origins of the model.

This is a rare kit returning to the range for the first time in more than a decade – a beast once part of the Warhammer Forge range. 

This did make me wonder if there will be future releases for Old World from the short lived Warhammer Forge range.

One of the models I always liked, but never bought was the Marienberg Landship.

Marienberg Landship
Marienberg Landship

This was a lovely model. Did think we would never see it again, now I am wondering if we will see it again?

Orc Rogue Idol at Warhammer World

This is a Forge World Orc Rogue Idol at Warhammer World. When I first saw this model, I wasn’t too sure, but the more I look at it, the more I liked it.

When greenskin tribes gather for war, foetid effigies depicting the Orc gods Gork and Mork will be constructed. Using rock, dung, old battle trophies and other detritus, these ‘statues’ are intended to bring the favour of Mork (or possibly Gork) to the Orcs and Goblins mustering in their shadow. Some are no more than a heap of stones or no larger than a chapel door, but when a Waaagh! is brewing they can grow to immense proportions, and become so infused with the greenskins’ lust for battle that they are roused into life and will lumber forth to crush and bludgeon the enemy.

If a Waaagh! is subsequently defeated, or the concentration of greenskin magic dissipates, the idol will lapse back into immobility. However, when a Storm of Magic rages across the Warhammer world these gigantic devotions to the greenskin gods may rise up again as a Rogue Idol, mindlessly attacking all in their way until the storm blows its course.

I really like the modelling that has been done and the use of scenic materials to make it really look like it is just stones that are drawn together by magic.

I did think that it could be a good model for a Feral Ork army for WH40K.

Chaos Toad Dragon

This Chaos Toad Dragon was in the display cabinets at Warhammer World.

Chaos Toad Dragon

Toad Dragons can be found, hidden amongst the murky waters to swallow up anything that passes by. They are huge, reeking, near-mindless, violent and almost impossible to kill.

Though someone has managed to “tame”this one to use it as a mount for battle.

This model was part of the original Warhammer Forge range of models from Forge World.

Orc Rogue Idol

There is a new release from Warhammer Forge, an Orc Rogue Idol.

Orc Rogue Idol

When greenskin tribes gather for war, foetid effigies depicting the Orc gods Gork and Mork will be constructed. Using rock, dung, old battle trophies and other detritus, these ‘statues’ are intended to bring the favour of Mork (or possibly Gork) to the Orcs and Goblins mustering in their shadow. Some are no more than a heap of stones or no larger than a chapel door, but when a Waaagh! is brewing they can grow to immense proportions, and become so infused with the greenskins’ lust for battle that they are roused into life and will lumber forth to crush and bludgeon the enemy.

If a Waaagh! is subsequently defeated, or the concentration of greenskin magic dissipates, the idol will lapse back into immobility. However, when a Storm of Magic rages across the Warhammer world these gigantic devotions to the greenskin gods may rise up again as a Rogue Idol, mindlessly attacking all in their way until the storm blows its course.

When I first saw this model, I wasn’t too sure, but the more I look at it, the more I like it.

I really like the modelling that has been done and the use of scenic materials to make it really look like it is just stones that are drawn together by magic.

Orc Rogue Idol

Also the photographs don’t give real justice to the size of the thing! There is just one comparative photo which shows how big it actually is.

Orc Rogue Idol

I am thinking about how or if I could use this in Warhammer 40K… hmmm! What do you think?

Warhammer Forge – Pre-order January 2011

Following the announcement of Warhammer Forge at GamesDay 2011, we have been waiting patiently for the time when we could actually order the models.

According to the latest Forge World newsletter, we will be able to pre-order new Warhammer Forge Models soon.

Perhaps the most hotly-anticipated project that we are currently working on, Warhammer Forge made its debut at Games Day UK 2010. We are excited to announce that the first releases for this new range will be available to pre-order early in 2011, and will be followed later in the year by the very first Warhammer Forge book – Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos.

From the picture on the newsletter I am anticipating that the first models to be released will be the Chaos Dwarfs, which is a pity in some respects as I would love to get this Landship.

Marienberg Landship
Marienberg Landship