Following the announcement of Warhammer Forge at GamesDay 2011, we have been waiting patiently for the time when we could actually order the models.
According to the latest Forge World newsletter, we will be able to pre-order new Warhammer Forge Models soon.
Perhaps the most hotly-anticipated project that we are currently working on, Warhammer Forge made its debut at Games Day UK 2010. We are excited to announce that the first releases for this new range will be available to pre-order early in 2011, and will be followed later in the year by the very first Warhammer Forge book – Tamurkhan: The Throne of Chaos.
From the picture on the newsletter I am anticipating that the first models to be released will be the Chaos Dwarfs, which is a pity in some respects as I would love to get this Landship.