Orks at Warhammer World

At Warhammer World there were lots of great and beautifully painted Ork models.

More photographs of Orks.

Ork Miniatures Gallery

Ork Speed Freeks Miniatures Gallery

Various Ork models on my workbench.

Feral Orks Workbench

Grot Workbench

Ork Workbench

Ork Krooz Missilz

Decided that I would reboot a conversion idea I had for a 40K Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz. Many years ago I made a simple conversion to create an Epic Ork Trukk with Krooz Missulz (aka an Orkish version of the Imperial Deathstrike Missile Launcher. The model was built using a Flakwagon base, a firing platform from a Pulsa Rokitt and the Krooz Missulz (using a 40k scale Fighta-Bommer Missile).

I had planned to make a 40K version of this rocket many years ago. However like many projects it got shelved and I never made much progress with it. Having found some of the parts I decided to restart the project. I am going to be using one of my unfinished Ork Trukk models as the platform for the rocket. The base for the missile part of the  model will be the fuel tank from a 1/300th Academy Space Shuttle model kit.

I wanted to Orkify the missile, so started to add details using spare parts from various kits and some plasticard and plastic struts.

I used some spare parts from the plastic Ork fighter bomma kit.

I used some slices of plastic rod to make rivets and bolts.

Here is the missile alongside an Imperial Army Guardsman to give you an idea of scale.

The next stage will be a white undercoat.

See the workbench feature on the Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz.

40K Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz

Decided that I would reboot a conversion idea I had for a 40K Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz.

Many years ago I made a simple conversion to create an Epic Ork Trukk with Krooz Missulz (aka an Orkish version of the Imperial Deathstrike Missile Launcher. The model is built using a Flakwagon base, a firing platform from a Pulsa Rokitt and the Krooz Missulz? Well it’s a 40k scale Fighta-Bommer Missile.

In the most recent versions of Warhammer 40K there are no models and no rules for this kind of weapon. However there were rules for Apocalypse some years ago for what looked like a Krooz Missilz, but was described as a Pulsa Rokkit.

The (scratchbuilt) model used for the data sheet was much larger than the original metal Pulsa Rokkits from an earlier edition of Warhammer 40K. Those metal ones were much more like the Epic version.

I had planned to make a 40K version of this rocket many years ago. However like many projects it got shelved and I never made much progress with it. Having found some of the parts I decided to restart the project.

I am going to be using one of my unfinished Ork Trukk models as the platform for the rocket.

The flatbed doesn’t have the sides, so can be used for this, or other Ork heavy weapons.

The base for the missile part of the  model will be the fuel tank from a 1/300th Academy Space Shuttle model kit.

In the kit, the rocket boosters were attached to the fuel tank. The rocket boosters were separated and will be used as different kinds of Ork rokkits. The fuel tank was then ready for conversion.

You can see how large the fuel tank is compared to the trukk.

I did though first, using a Grot Bomb Launcha firing frame, mock up the Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz.

This was working for me. I wanted to Orkify the missile, so started to add details using spare parts from various kits and some plasticard and plastic struts.

Pleased with how it is looking, but the missile needs a lot more work.

Ork Trukk with Enclosed Cab

Ork Trukk with Enclosed Cab

Designed by Will Hayes and Phil Stutcinskas. (a hybrid resin and plastic model using the Ork Trukk kit). —The model makes for a great alternative for your Trukk fleet as well as an excellent base for your own conversions. Its enclosed cab can also be used to represent the Armour Plates upgrade on a trukk.

This Trukk model also includes a folding platform at the rear. This in my opinion is much better than the plastic platform included with the plastic kit.

I made my with the sides fixed in the upright position.

The chassis was constructed as per the instructions, though like my other Trukk as I had spare wheels I gave the model all rounded wheels rather than the mix that comes as standard with the kit.

The next step will be a white undercoat.

Revisiting Another Ork Trukk

Trukks are designed to transport mobs of choppa-wielding Boyz into combat as quickly as possible.  The original Ork Trukk model was designed for Gorkamorka, and then became part of Warhammer 40K with Codex Orks. It was really way too small and needed to be updated, and updated it was back in January 2008 with the release of the new Ork Trukk.

I revisited another of my Ork Trukks in an earlier blog post.

The model was constructed as per the instructions, Generally I try and build as much of the model as possible to avoid having to glue painted parts together.

The chassis and wheels were the first parts I stuck together. As I had got the Forge World Ork Halftrakk I had some spare wheels, so rather than use the mix that is provided, I doubled up the wheels using the “squarer” wheels. This should give my Trukks a more diverse look.

The chassis was painted black and the flatbed was given a brown spray.

I am keeping the back of this truck quite clear of boarding ramps and armour as it will be a mobile weapons platform.

See how I made the Trukk.


Revisiting the Ork Trukk

Trukks are designed to transport mobs of choppa-wielding Boyz into combat as quickly as possible.  The original Ork Trukk model was designed for Gorkamorka, and then became part of Warhammer 40K with Codex Orks. It was really way too small and needed to be updated, and updated it was back in January 2008 with the release of the new Ork Trukk.

The model was constructed as per the instructions, Generally I try and build as much of the model as possible to avoid having to glue painted parts together.

The chassis was painted black and the flatbed was given a green spray.

The flatbed has the side armour and broading ramps.

I gave the flatbed a wash, however I actually ran out of wash before I managed to finish it.

I need to finish off the shading of the flatbed.

See how I made the Trukk.

Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz

Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz (aka an Orkish version of the Imperial Deathstrike Missile Launcher, but why not use the Krooz Missulz rules for the Mega-Gargant.

This is a very simple conversion that I did a fair few years ago.

The model is built using a Flakwagon base, a firing platform from a Pulsa Rokitt and the Krooz Missulz? Well it’s a 40k scale Fighta-Bommer Missile.

Forge World Ork Trukk with Enclosed Cab

Having taken the parts our of the bag and washed the resin pieces of the Forge World Ork Trukk with Enclosed Cab the next stage was to start putting it together.

The resin cab is basically one piece to which the smaller parts fit very easily.

I decided to construct the flatbed with the sides up.

The chassis was constructed as per the instructions, though like my other Trukk as I had spare wheels I gave the model all rounded wheels rather than the mix that comes as standard with the kit.

Another view.

I do really like how different this kit (and the wheels) this makes the Ork Trukk look. As a result I won’t have a consistent style of Ork Trukk, just a ramshackle series of vehicles that may have a common heritage, but look all cobbled together from whatever was lying about in the Mek’s workshop.

See the full workbench feature on the Forge World Ork Trukk with Enclosed Cab.