Retiring a few projects

I was doing some clearing out of the garage and realised that in a plastic bag (of all things) were some old Ork scenery projects that I had started over a decade ago, but never got around to finishing off.

I did some hard thinking and decided that if I hadn’t finished them by now I was never going to finish them, so I threw them out. I did think that if I wanted to do some scenery it might be easier to just start again.

So which projects have I retired?

Well the first was the Ork Defence Line which was based on some Imperial scenery pieces I had got at a Games Day. I had built some scenery at GamesDay and came home with the bits. These I then decided to take apart and re-build them as an Ork Defence Line.

Another project I retired was the Ork Desert Fuel Depot which was part of an Ork Cities of Death project. I did nearly finish one Ork Desert Fort, however that one I am keeping. Having liked that I started another fort, I took an old DVD-R spindle tub and covered it in plasticard and strips of wood, as well as spare parts from Rhino and Land Raider kits. 

The final project I retired was the Stompa Gantry which was based on a broken toy crane.

I think part of the reason this was never finished was I never finished painting the Stompa!

Well I can always start these ideas again if I want to in the future, in the meantime I must try and get some of my exisiting collection painted and finished.

Game of Cityfight

Updated photographs of a Cityfight game from many years ago…

Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ruins of an Imperial City
Ruins of an Imperial City
Grot Big Gunz in the ruins of an Imperial building.
Grot Big Gunz in the ruins of an Imperial building.
Ork Shooty Boyz advance through the ruins of an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz advance through the ruins of an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz advance through the ruins of an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz advance through the ruins of an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Cityfight game in progress
Cityfight game in progress
Grot Big Gunz
Space Marine Whirlwind
Space Marine Whirlwind
Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.
Ork Shooty Boyz defend some ruins in an Imperial City during a Warhammer 40000 Cities of Death game.


Some more Ork Barricades

One of the nice Cities of Death models released were the resin Ork Barricades. Six resin barricades (still available) that have a very Orkiness about them.

Orks are adapt at banging together large piles of debris, welding them with burnas and Gretchin for extra stickiness. In dense city-fights, cunning Ork Warbosses use these barricades to funnel enemy troops and prevent their armour from manoeuvring, before their Tankbustas launch a devastating ambush.

These are going to be part of what hopefully will be an Ork city.

This is a nice one that has had Baneblade tracks used within it. Also note the dead Imperial Guardsman.

This one has shells and a jerrycan of fuel (safe place to put it).

I do like these resin models. In my opinion this is the material that should have been used for the Blastscape pack.

See the full workbench feature on the Ork Barricades.