These are not full battle reports as you would find in a copy of White Dwarf, but are in the main a series of photographs of some of the games of Warhammer 40K I have played in or from various demonstration games at shows.
- Apocalypse
- Changing Places
- Cities of Death
- Cityfight
- Defending the Skyshield
- Dropping Pods
- Fighting in the city
- Fighting Withdrawal
- Hordes….
- Imperial City Under Attack
- Imperial Guard fighting Orks in the ruins of an Imperial City
- Mind the buildings
- No more Orks…
- Ork Settlement under attack
- Orks fighting Imperial Guard
- Orks fighting the forces of the Imperium
- Orks fighting the Imperial Guard
- Orks versus Imperial Guard
- Red Desert
- Take the shield generator
- That Damn Dreadnought
- Through the ruins