Very tempted…

One of the pre-orders next week for The Old World is for Prince Ulther’s Dragon Company.

A true classic returns to the Old World via Made to Order: Prince Ulther’s legendary Dragon Company, first cast as miniatures in 1985! Tasked by his father with freeing their ancestral home from the grobi scum that overran it 4,000 years ago, Ulther took a dragon-carved post from his father’s bed for his banner, and formed the Dragon Company to meet his familial obligations.

There are two packs available, a command pack, and a trooper pack.

The command pack includes Prince Ulther, Borri Forkbeard, a musician, and a standard bearer.

The trooper pack has five miniatures.

I really like these miniatures, and I am sorely tempted to order them next week. They are metal castings and I might forgive the plastic shields.

They were originally released back in 1985 as a Regiment of Renown.

This time though they will come on 25mm square bases rather than 20mm square bases they had in 1985.


Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer

This lovely painted Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer was on display at Warhammer World.

Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer

Thorgrim is the descendant of the most ancient and noble of all Dwarf lords. The very blood of Grugni flows in his veins and the wisdow of Valaya sits upon his beetling brow.

Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer

Thorgrim Grudgebearer is the current High King of the Dwarfs and the ruler of Karaz-a-Karak. He is a throwback to the High Kings of old — eager for new conquests, mighty in battle, and a merciless enemy. Yet upon his worn brow, there also sits a pearl of great wisdom, and he is able to uphold the ancient traditions as well as to accept, if not embrace these needed changes, such as alliances and new technology. Thorgrim is forever brooding upon how to return his people to their former glory. As the ultimate ruler of the Dwarfs, the Dammaz Kron or the Great Book of Grudges is entrusted into his honourable keeping.

This model was painted years ago (years and years ago). I saw it on display at Warhammer World in 2005.

Dwarves versus Orcs – Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Dwarves fighting Orcs by a town hall. The buildings are resin castings from Steve Barber models.

The Dwarves are a combination of old and new (well at the time) metal castings.

As well as a Dwarf Wizard (back when there were Dwarf Wizards), there are a couple of original non-slottabase Bugman Rangers as well.

The Orcs are Orc Archers, metal castings with plastic shields.

This is a rescan of an old photograph from the 1990s.

Fantasy Miniatures Gallery

Dwarf Gyrocopter

Gyrocopters are revolutionary flying machines that provides the armies of the Dwarfs with dedicated aerial support or as a form of fast reconnaissance.

This model was on display at Warhammer World.

These warmachines use a revolutionary rotor-blade steam engine that allows it to take off into the air and land vertically or even hover on the spot, becoming the first technological marvel to achieve the ability of flight. The first Gyrocopter was invented and then improved upon by Dwarf Engineers, and due to its rarity only a trusted member of the Engineers Guild is allowed to maintain and operate one.

OldHammer Dwarves

Here are some old Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves from my collection. These are metal Dwarf miners, which are over twenty years old now.

I enjoyed painting these at the time I remember, liking the blue uniforms, the snowy bases and the candles on the helmets. They reminded me very much of the dwarf army I had back in the 1980s and I liked the style of the sculpting from Colin Dixon.

I also had a pack of the drunken dwarves from the same era, which also included one of the miners above.

I think my plan at the time was to paint a complete Warhammer Fantasy Dwarf army using this scheme.

There were a fair few models in this range and I now wish I had managed to get more of them.

However after painting these six dwarves, I didn’t get any further with the army, and didn’t buy any more models, as I got distracted by other games and models. I have a few more part-painted dwarves, so might think about painting them to make a least a small skirmish force.

Dwarf Anvil of Doom

Dwarf Anvil of Doom on display at Warhammer World.

Dwarf Anvil of Doom
Dwarf Anvil of Doom at Warhammer World

The Anvils of Doom are ancient devices forged with great skill by the Runesmiths of old in the bowels of the Thunder Mountain. Using the energy of the volcano’s heart, Kurgaz, the most skilled of the old ones, melted gromril to forge the anvils. As they cooled, Kurgaz beat the Rune of Sorcery onto each gleaming anvil.

Another view from Games Day 2005. (includes the forge).

See more pictures of Dwarfs. See more photographs from GamesDay 2005.

Old School Chaos Dwarfs

These Chaos Dwarfs were on display at Warhammer World.

Chaos Dwarfs on display at Warhammer World

I think these were the kinds of figures that really put me off Warhammer at the time they were released. Those tall hats and flat end guns.

Throw in weird centaurs and those beards….

Chaos Dwarfs on display at Warhammer World

I have never been a fan of Chaos, but these miniatures didn’t for me work. I did however like the original Chaos Dwarf concept. I did get some of these models. This one with a fantasy bazooka is from my collection.

 Chaos Dwarf with Bazooka
Chaos Dwarf with Bazooka

This concept was more about “normal” dwarfs who had been corrupted by Chaos and more often than not looked like short Chaos Warriors.

Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer

On my most recent visit to Warhammer World there was the lovely model of the Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer at Warhammer World.

Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer at Warhammer World.
Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer at Warhammer World.

Thorgrim Grudgebearer is the current High King of the Dwarfs and the ruler of Karaz-a-Karak. He is a throwback to the High Kings of old — eager for new conquests, mighty in battle, and a merciless enemy. Yet upon his worn brow, there also sits a pearl of great wisdom, and he is able to uphold the ancient traditions as well as to accept, if not embrace these needed changes, such as alliances and new technology. Thorgrim is forever brooding upon how to return his people to their former glory. As the ultimate ruler of the Dwarfs, the Dammaz Kron or the Great Book of Grudges is entrusted into his honourable keeping.

This model was painted years ago (years and years ago). Here is the same model from Games Day 2005.

Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer
Dwarf High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer

See more pictures of Dwarfs. See more photographs from GamesDay 2005.