This site (in various incarnations) is over twenty five years old. I first started posting images to the web in 1997.
Back in the 1990s I took various photographs of my miniatures, using a film 35mm camera, I then developed the film, before scanning the photos in. Later I was able to have the images scanned by the developer onto CD-ROM
Due to bandwidth limits, back in the 1990s most people had dial up modems, so when scanning images and editing them for the web, I kept the size small, both in terms of file size and pixels.
However now, not only do we have faster connections, fibre, 4G and 5G, websites such as this (using WordPress) can dynamically and responsively change the size of the image to meet the needs of the different kinds of browsers people are using.
As a result I have decided to start re-scanning images into the website and blog. I will be posting the new images to the blog, and I will be updating the relevant gallery pages as well.
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