Trukks are designed to transport mobs of choppa-wielding Boyz into combat as quickly as possible. Each warband and clan will ‘kustomise’ its trukks to reflect their own predilictions. For example, a Goff vehicle will be functional with a large crew compartment, while the Evil Sunz almost always have turbo-charged engines and a red paint job.
The original Ork Trukk model was designed for Gorkamorka, and then became part of Warhammer 40K with Codex Orks. It was really way too small and needed to be updated, and updated it was in January 2008 with the release of the new Ork Trukk.
I do like this model and think it is very Orky. You can see how it was developed by Games Workshop from some of the photographs I took at GamesDay.
You get a very thin box with two sprues, transfers and instructions.
Before starting any model I always look at the GW site and do a Google search to see how others had built and painted theirs.
The model was constructed as per the instructions, Generally I try and build as much of the model as possible to avoid having to glue painted parts together… The chassis and engine were the first parts I stuck together.
I then put the wheels together.
The wheels were then stuck to the chassis.
Further details were added to the engine.
I then made up the rear area of the trukk. I included the ramps and “rollbars”.
The gunner cupola went together pretty easily, though I kept the Ork gunner separate for painting.
The cab was also kept separate from the main chassis.
The Ork driver was made up and ready for painting.
This is the model “made up” but not glued together as I have different sub-assemblies for painting.
Next stage will be undercoating. Most of the model was given a black undercoat, the two sides of the flatbed area were given a white undercoat. Not sure if I am going to use them though.
You can actually see from this image that the model is still in sub-components for painting.
The Gunner.
I then sprayed the flatbed with a green spray.
I gave the flatbed a wash, however I actually ran out of wash before I managed to finish it.
I took the model out of storage.
The flatbed has the side armour and broading ramps.
I had given the flatbed a wash, however I actually ran out of wash before I managed to finish it.
I need to finish off the shading of the flatbed.