This is the army which has got me back into Warhammer 40000. I have got quite a bit of stuff and quite a lot is now painted, but as with all armies there is still lots to do and I still have a long way to go before everything is painted.
The Grots have their own workbench.
- Aircraft Traktor and Launch Trolley
- Battlewagon
- Battlewagon with Supa Kannon
- Big Trakk
- Big Zzappa
- Burnaboyz
- Deffkopta
- Flakk Gun
- Forge World Runt Bot and Grot
- Grot Bomb Launcha
- Grot Bomb Launcha Mk II
- Grot Bomb Launcha Mk III
- Heavy Weapons Boyz – Big Shootaz
- Heavy Weapons Boyz – Forgeworld Twin Big Shootas
- Heavy Weapons Boyz – Rokkit Launcha
- Heavy Weapons Boyz I
- Heavy Weapons Boyz II
- Heavy Weapons Boyz III
- Kannon
- Kil Krusha Tank
- Kill Bursta Tank
- Kill Kannon
- Killa Kan
- Killa Kan with Rokkit Launcha
- Killa Kans
- Lootaz
- Looted Rhino
- Mega Dread
- Megatrakk Scrapjet
- Ork Big Mek with Big Shoota
- Ork Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun
- Ork Biker
- Ork Bommer
- Ork Fighter Bomma
- Ork Gunwagon
- Ork Halftrakk
- Ork Kommando with Big Shoota
- Ork Kommando with Burna
- Ork Kommandos
- Ork Mekboy
- Ork Tankbustas
- Ork Trukk I
- Ork Trukk II
- Ork Trukk III (the new version)
- Ork Trukk IV (the new version)
- Ork Trukk with Enclosed Cab
- Ork Trukk with Krooz Missilz
- Plastic Deffkoptaz
- Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy
- Shoota Boyz
- Skorcha
- Slugga Boyz
- Sqwadron Commander
- Stompa
- Stormboyz
- Stormboyz Nob
- Tankbustas (boxed set)
- Warboss
- Wartrakk I
- Wartrakk II
- Wartrakk III
- Weirdboy Warbike