One model I purchased having planned to buy one for some time, was a Forgeworld Ork Gunwagon. I purchased the model with the Kannon.
Before I think about painting I have taken a look at how others have painted their Gunwagons and there are some nice examples around, but not as many as for some other models. Forgeworld have some nice painted examples on their website. This is the version I have with the Kannon.
I managed to photograph one of these at GamesDay at the Forgeworld display.
There is a nice model on the Cool Mini Or Not website.
I am intending to paint mine in a similar style to my Epic versions.
So what do you get in the box…
One of the things that surprised me about my new Forgeworld Ork Gunwagon was the sheer number of parts.
For some reason I wasn’t expecting to get a large number of parts. I was expecting the track units to be a single casting.
I was pleasantly surprised though to get an extra twin linked Big Shoota as well as the Kannon which I think is standard.
One of the key things you need to do with virtually all Forgeworld models is to give them a good wash.
When the Forgeworld models are cast, the mould is given a spray (I guess) of some kind of lubricant to allow the cast model to be released from the mould easily.
However the lubricant also acts as a barrier to paint, so as happened with previous models I (and others) have painted is that the paint flecks off.
Washing the model in water with a drop of washing up liquid should remove the lubricant.
Avoid using hot water as this could warp the resin (a useful tip if you need to warped resin back to its original shape).
Once washed the model is then ready for gluing and painting.
The Kannon which comes with the model has a number of parts.
The highlighted aspects are those that need to be trimmed.
Having cleaned the parts, they were ready to be stuck together.
The actual Kannon model does go together quite nicely. I did stick the Kannon together and intially I did include the base which in fact isn’t required when using the Kannon with the GunWagon, and this isn’t clear on the instructions.
Having cleaned the parts I started to try dry runs and then sticking the track units together. This checks for fitting, warped parts and if any sections will need filler.
The track units went very easily together though did requires some cleaning and they did have some large chunks of superfluous resin. The tracks went on easily and are separate from the wheels.
They came together nicely.
I then stuck the gun shield and the engine block to the main structure. I used epoxy resin for this as superglue wouldn’t be strong enough as the resin filled in the slight gaps between the parts.
The next stage is to add the wheels and the exhausts.
I undercoated the Kannon and the Gunwagon with a black undercoat.
Having left my Gunwagon for a bit of time, it was after thinking about painting tanks that I decided how I was going to move forward on the model. I used Tausept Ochre from the Foundation Paints range for the base coat.
Basically I am painting the panels, but leaving the engine and fighting compartment black for the moment.
I used a different colour for the front “teef”.
I am going to follow this with a wash and then highight with a lighter brown, before weathering. I finished off more of the basecoat, then I drybrushed the wheels, the interior, the tracks and the engine with Tin Bitz before giving a drybrush with Boltgun Metal.
I painted a few of the extra armour panels a different shade of brown.
Having finished the base coat I gave the Gunwagon a wash consisting of Chestnut Ink, Scorched Brown paint (which helps remove the gloss of the ink) and some water to thin the wash down.
The next thing I did was to drybrush the whole Gunwagon. I used Snakebite Leather which I added some Bleached Bone when I added the second drybrush highlight.
I also have drybrushed the Kannon, firstly with Tin Bitz and then Boltgun Metal.
The next stage will be tidying up, detailing and further weathering.
Though not quite finished, finished enough for a game (or two).