Another successful year for Felix’s Gaming Pages with over 450 blog posts put online. Slightly less hits this year, but that was in the main as I didn’t attend GamesDay 2011 and therefore didn’t live blog as I have done in previous years. So what were the top ten posts (by visits) for 2011.
10. It’s back…
Well the 10th most popular post was about the return of Space Hulk. I was never that into Space Hulk, I have never bought the game in its earlier incarnations, but lots of people bought the limited re-release, so much so, it sold out very quickly.
9. Warhammer Siege Diorama
This post was a live blog post from GamesDay 2010. I was posting photographs from the show live to the blog via my phone. This was of a fantastic Warhammer Fantasy diorama, the Siege of Altdorf. I also took a fair few photographs of the siege using my DSLR.

Some excellent scenery and very evocative of the Warhammer world.
8. Ultramarines Dreadnoughts
Some very nice Ultramarines Dreadnoughts on display at Warhammer World. Warhammer World is always worth a visit and I have spent lots of time looking at all the wonderful miniatures in the Citadel Miniatures Hall. Every time I have visited I have seen something new (and sometimes something old).
7. Bloodthirster Greater Daemon of Khorne
The Bloodthirster Greater Daemon of Khorne from the Forge World display cabinets at GamesDay 2004.
6. Space Wolves Space Marine Army
This post is from 2007 and was a photograph of an amazing Space Wolves Army. This is one of those displays at GamesDay which makes you go wow! And then you think how much did he spend…

More photographs of this amazing army.
5. Saurus and Slann
Another old post, from 2007, and another photograph from Warhammer World. A wonderful unit of Saurus Warriors with a Slann leading them. Part of the ‘Eavy Metal Lizardmen Army on display at Warhammer World.
4. Flames of War – Battle of the Bulge
This post was from 2011 and discussed the possibilities of a Flames of War Battle of the Bulge supplement that Battlefront mentioned in Feburary. Within the post I discussed the tanks that I hoped we would see in any such release including the M24 Chaffee and the Comet.

I also speculated how nice it would be to see some Late-War Monsters.
3. Marneus Calgar of the Ultramarines’ Land Raider
This post was all the photographs I had taken of Marneus Calgar of the Ultramarines’ Land Raider from the ‘Eavy Metal display cabinets at both GamesDay 2005 and Warhammer World.

2. Chaos BaneBlade
This photograph of a Chaos Baneblade that won the Silver Golden Demon at GamesDay 2007 is my second most popular post and the reason it is, is that if you put Baneblade into Google this image comes up!
Lots of photographs of the Baneblade.
1. Death Korps of Krieg
So my most popular post of 2011 was a posting from February 2009 about a link I had found in the community feed of some beautifully painted Death Korps of Krieg tanks.

So will these same posts be just as popular in 2012, we will have to wait and see.