Gunwagon with Kannon

A variant of a standard Battlewagon, a basic gunwagon consists of a powerful engine and a mounted Big Shoota on a chassis. A gunwagon only has a seat for the driver, but hand holds are provided to transport Orks over short distances. Much like other Ork vehicles, the gunwagon is a highly modifiable platform, and can be armed with a Zzap Gun, a Kannon, or a quad of Flak guns while still retaining its transport capabilities. In addition, the gunwagon can be up-armoured to protect the driver and gunner, and also mounts an extra Big Shoota.

From the Forgeworld Display Cabinets and from Felix’s collection.

Gunwagon with Kannon
Gunwagon with Kannon
Ork Gunwagon with Kannon from Felix's collection
Ork Gunwagon with Kannon from Felix’s collection

Ork Gunwagon with Kannon
Forge World Ork Gunwagon
Forge World Ork Gunwagon with Kannon
Ork Gunwagon with Kannon
Ork Gunwagon with Kannon alongside a Squiggoth
Ork Gunwagon with Kannon lost in battle