Ork Trukk – step by step painting guide on its way, first the models themselves…

On my workbench I already have some information on how I painted my Ork Trukk.

However as of now there are only photographs of the painted model available. This was in the main as I painted the model before I started the workbench feature on the website.

I recently managed to acquire a new Trukk model therefore will be updating the page to show a step by step guide.

Generally I try and build as much of the model as possible to avoid having to glue painted parts together… with this model the only bitz left off are the crew, the weapons and the front armour plate.

I have also added (though not seen) a spanner and a shotgun to the model.

The crew are painted separately as I would find it too difficult to paint them in situ.

You can tell the age of the Trukk model, as these are Gorkamorka era models and bear little resemblance to the newer Ork models.

I believe that when Orks Codex is re-done there will be a new plastic Ork vehicle, potentially a new Trukk or probably a Battlewagon.

Epic Junkatrukks

I have made some progress with my Feral Ork Junkatrukks.

They have been undercoated.

Epic Ork Junkatrukks

I much prefer using a white undercoat when painting models in reds, yellows or orange. If I am going for a dark look then I will use a black undercoat.

Epic Ork Junkatrukks

I have also added the metal areas, by given them a base coat of black.

Epic Ork Junkatrukks

This will be drybrushed with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal, I will then touch up the white areas before painting the bodywork in reds, yellows and orange colours.

Paint doesn’t stick to the underneath of the Ork Gunwagons

These have been sitting around since I undercoated them (doing other stuff), however when I did undercoat them I didn’t undercoat the underneath (rarely do with metal models). Started the black parts when I realised that the underneath (which was fresh resin) would not accept the acrylic paint I was using.

Epic Ork Gunwagon

It looks like I will be forced to undercoat the underneath before I can continue with the paint job.

Epic Feral Ork Infantry

Trying something slightly different…

Those of you who have seen Carl Woodrow’s EA Terminators will have realised he has followed Mark Bedford’s lead and based them on 40mm x 20mm (read Warmaster) bases.

I have decided to do the same with my Feral Orks as they are even less organised than a regular ork army that I will base the infantry using 40mm x 20mm bases (read Warmaster bases) and put seven models on each base.

The first few bases look very different to the line of infantry you get with the regular Epic40K 20mm x 5mm bases.

Epic Feral Ork Infantry

New Deffkoptaz

Two new Deffkoptaz for my Ork army on their way…

I really like the Ork Deffkopta model, I even liked it when it was released for Gorkamorka (even though I was not a great fan of Gorkamorka). I actually bought one at the time (originally to use in Flintloque). It stayed in its blister until I started playing Warhammer 40K again and it has done some good service.

Here is a picture of it as a work in progress.

Ork Deffkoptaz

I was recently given two more for a birthday present.

Though I really like the pilot figure, it would have looked rather “uniform” to have three identical models (especially in an Ork army).

Therefore I had to convert the two pilot models, using components from the original pilot, his legs and arm, and bits from the plastic Ork Boyz sprue.

I also wanted the Koptas to look different as well. Originally I had thought of adding a superstructure or cockpit, but in the end kept it very simple, with little extras from the Ork Dreadnought sprue, epic scale Pulsa Rokkits and using the four blade rotars on one model and the three blades on the other (rather than one of each as seen in the picture above).

I am pleased with the results and will take some photographs soon.

Epic Junka Trukks

Using Epic Armageddon Battlewagonz as Feral Ork Junkatrukks…

I have decided to use two type of model for my Feral Ork army. One is original Epic40K Flagwagons the other are the new Epic Armageddon Battlewagonz.

The Battlewagonz blister contains five models of three types.

Epic Junka Trukks

They are very nice models.

Epic Junka Trukks

Though I would say that the Epic40K flakwagon (being in three parts) is more detailed then the new all-in-one Battlewagon variant contained in this blister.

Ork Trukk, undercoated and drybrushed

I have done more work done on my Ork Trukk.

Here is a picture of the Trukk now undercoated.

Ork Trukk

As you can see I also added a spare tyre. The front of the back section which normally is at an angle has been glued in vertically, this will make it look “slightly” different to the other Trukk.

The frontal armour plate was undercoated white as it will be painted red.

The whole model was then drybrushed with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal.

Ork Trukk

This can be somewhat messy and as you can see I will need to go over the tyres again.

This shot shows the spanner and the red frontal armour plate.

Ork Trukk

Feral Ork Boar Rider

As you may recall from a previous posting I am in the process of making some Feral Ork Boar Boyz using parts from the Warhammer Fantasy Battle Orc Warriors and the 40K Ork Boyz sprues.

Here is a picture of the newly constructed model.

I may add some reins and add a few other features.

I have avoided using the regular rectangular base and opted for the 40mm round base.