
Tonight I watched episode five of Merlin from the BBC. I am really enjoying this series and I think the concept behind the young Merlin is a very clever idea.

It’s not trying to be pretentious as ITV’s Robin of Sherwood back in the 1980s often was. It is quite similar to the BBC’s recent interpretation of Robin Hood.

Looking forward to seeing how the series pans out.


Warhammer Historical announce their new naval game, Trafalgar, which will be available in early 2009.


On 21st October 1805, the Royal Navy met the combined French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar. Led by Admiral Lord Nelson aboard HMS Victory, the British scored a decisive victory without losing a single ship.
Now, 203 years to the very day, Warhammer Historical are very excited to announce the forthcoming release of a brand new game – Trafalgar. Written by Legends of the Old West supremo Mark Latham, Trafalgar is an action-packed game where players build their fleets and take to the seas in a hail of cannon fire.

If you are into the Age of Sail then this might be worth looking at. In the meantime until it comes out, why not check out our Age of Sail gallery.

Plastic Shadowsword

As I exclusively announced on this blog a couple of weeks back, there is going to be a plastic Shadowsword released by Games Workshop, probably in March or April next year as part of an Apocalypse release (there will also be an Ork Stompa).

Since I wrote that blog entry, others across various forums have added further details and confirmation that there will be a plastic Shadowsword. There are also a couple of mentions that the kit will include other BaneBlade variants including the Stormlord transport which was seen in the Apocalypse Reload supplement.

Hold the line…

With Warhammer Historical available, GamesDay 2008 wasn’t just Fantasy and 40K, in Hall 1 there were a fair few historical wargames on show using the various Warhammer Historical rules. This is nothing new, last year we saw was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrews’ excellent World War One demonstration game.

Demonstrating The Great War rules were two games one set in Gallipoli and one in 1914. Here are two pictures from the 1914 game, with British infantry moving forward through a farm and a line of British Infantry about to open fire on the advancing German army.

Beautifully painted and modelled.

Scenery was not as nice as Dave’s but was still very well constructured and impressive.

You can see many more pictures of the historical wargaming on my website.

To see more pictures from GamesDay 2008 have a look at my GamesDay 2008 Gallery.

More pictures of the Ork Battlewagon

Well after the pictures from White Dwarf appearing online, more pictures of the Ork Battlewagon are appearing.
The Bell of Lost Souls has had a nice spread of pictures of the model.

EDIT: Post removed from BoLS… See all the pictures on Warseer.

More pictures of the Ork Battlewagon

These give a much better idea of what the model is like.

It does look like that a Deff Roller could be fitted onto the front and there is the potential for a range of turrets as well.

Ork Battlewagon – First Pic

At GamesDay I managed to have a look at the November issue of White Dwarf which had a picture of the forthcoming Ork Battlewagon. I wrote the following back in September.

In the November issue of (the UK) White Dwarf you will be able to see a picture of the finished Ork Battlewagon which is been used as part of the Tale of Four Gamers.

I was going to take a photograph from the pre-production copy at GamesDay but the White Dwarf team were very insistent that I didn’t.
The model comprises (the already seen) tracks with two Trukk style wheels on each side at the front.

It looks nothing like the Forge World model.

The cab is similar to the original wheeled Battlewagon (from what 15 years ago now and used on the FW Gunwagon).

Well some now have that issue and now I can blog a picture of the Battlewagon.

Ork Battlewagon - First Pic

So what do you think?

I do like it and will certainly be getting one (or two) for my Ork army.

Picture source Warseer.