Images from this premier Games Workshop Event from September 2008.
Thunderer Siege Tank
Armageddon Pattern Medusa
Imperial Macharius Heavy Tank
Renegade Armoured Medusa
Imperial Guard Malcador Heavy Tank
Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Mortar during the Siege of Vraks
Marauder Destroyer on display at GamesDay 2008
Forge World Ork Flakk Wagon taken at GamesDay 2008
Forge World Ork Flakk Wagon taken at GamesDay 2008
The Hades Breaching Drill used by Imperial engineers to assault enemy fortifications.
Orc Siege Engine from the displays at GamesDay 2008
Iron Knights Space Marines (making clever use of the Dark Angels sprues)
Imperial Macharius Heavy Tank
Imperial Guard Chimera conversion from GamesDay 2008.
Ork Warboss in Mega-Armour at the UK GamesDay 2008.
Hold the line…
Lots of Brass Scorpions from GamesDay 2008.
Scratchbuilt Stompa from GamesDay 2008
Chaos BaneBlade from GamesDay 2008.
Grey Knights Titan
Rear view of a Great Gargant in a participation game at GamesDay 2008.
Ork Nobz on Bike taken at GamesDay 2008.