Space Marine Hunter

Having posted the Space Marine Stalker model yesterday, here is an image of the Space Marine Hunter AA vehicle.

The Hunter model comes with a single barrel, whereas the Stalker has three. It is an anti aircraft tank for the Space Marines.

Having now seen both models, I much prefer the Hunter over the Stalker.

Presented here as a news item.

Space Marine Stalker

Space Marine Stalker
This is a photograph of the forthcoming new Space Marine Stalker model, well it is alleged that it is and the rumourmill seems to confirm it. The Hunter model comes with a single barrel, whereas the Stalker has three. It is an anti aircraft tank for the Space Marines.

Presented here as a news item.

Update: this is the Stalker model.

Update 2: changed image to an improved  one

Flames of War Plastic Shermans (possibly)

Saw and heard two things this week that have made me think that Battlefront will be releasing plastic Sherman tanks for Flames of War.
Already there are quite a few plastic 15mm models now available from other manufacturers and it’s not as though Battlefront have no experience of working in plastic, they have been using plastic for tracks and bases for a while now.

So what’s the evidence?

Firstly a conversation over the phone that was leaked to me, indicated that Battlefront said they were putting together a plastic Sherman kit.

That on its own, is maybe not proof enough.

However the second piece of evidence is not only direct from Battlefront, it’s also on their own website.

This photograph of tanks for the forthcoming Blood, Guts, & Glory supplement.

These really do look like plastic models, more so than resin. The tracks we know are already plastic, but look at the sharpness of the hull and turret detail.

It won’t be too much of a surprise if Battlefront head down the plastic model route, the key will be quality, price and what models they put out in plastic.

Never saw the light of day…

I took a photograph of this concept sketch at the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2005.

Now six years later we’ve not seen anything like this appear from the depths of the Forge World studio, though we have seen very similar models.

First impression was that this was a Thunderhawk Transporter.

It carries stuff, it carries a Land Raider. However though it has similarities, which makes me think the sketch is for a Space Marine vehicle, is it a Thunderhawk Transporter? Probably no.

We’ve also had the Valkyrie Sky Talon which does look similar, but the Sky Talon is for moving the Tauros Venator rather than some big infantry pod.

Likewise I don’t think the Caestus Assault Ram was derived from this sketch, much more likely that the Assault Ram was a big Land Speeder!

The reason for discussing the sketch is the current rumours flying around about a mystery Space Marine vehicle.

There’s word of a new Space Marine vehicle in the works. Here’s the latest we’ve heard.

Apparently this is the big “new kit” to accompany the updated Codex:Space Marines.
-The term “Space Marine Gunship” has been mentioned.
-It’s NOT the Stormraven
-It’s NOT the Caestus Assault Ram
-Its NOT an “assault themed” vehicle
-There are whispers of that ancient bit of fluff regarding the “missing link transport” Astartes vehicle.

So it’s not the Stormraven either! Could it be this?

So is that sketch from GamesDay 2005 any indication of what we might see, or something completely unrelated, we’re going to have to wait and see.

Stormraven, not just for the Blood Angels

Well if this photograph of the back of the Stormraven box is real then the Blood Angels are not the only Space Marines that can use the Stormraven.

As you can see the box has a Grey Knights painted version with lascannons.
Now to be honest I have never been one to follow GW’s doctrine to the letter, if I like a model and want to use it in a particular way then I will (and usually I will ask my opponent’s permission too). If you like the model, I would say buy it and paint it in the colour of your chapter (or legion). Yes it may be “problematic” if you wanted to use it in a tournament, but for me gaming it about gaming and not competitions. Just because a rulebook says that I can’t use a model, doesn’t mean that I can’t use that model. The Warhammer 40K universe is very big and despite the Inquisition, I am sure that in some depths of the universe there are Space Marine chapters and Imperial Guard units using stuff that according to doctrine they shouldn’t. Where needs must and all that.

Actually if you go far enough back in time you can find in old copies of White Dwarf Imperial Guard units using Land Speeders and Rhinos – that was in the days when GW made very few plastic kits and there was no Forge World. So it made sense for all the forces of the Imperium to use the scarce plastic kits available. Alas today where we are awash with plastic kits, GW can now make kits for single chapters that “can’t” be used by others.

So, if you want to use the Stormraven for your Imperial Guard or your chapter of Space Marines, then go ahead and do so. You’re not going to kill the fluff if you do.

Thinking though that one of these Stormravens would make a nice Inquisitorial transport for my Inquisitor – and we know that they would have access to them…

Incoming! Blood Angels

From the recent Games Workshop newsletter…

The Blood Angels are one of the most popular Space Marine Chapters. They fought at the Emperor’s side during the earliest days of the Imperium as one of the original Legions. Ten thousand years later, and one of the longest-running Chapters, they are still shaped by the deeds of their Primarch Sanguinius. Few Space Marine Chapters are as prolific and loyal in their defence of the Imperium as the Blood Angels, though a flaw in their gene seed makes them susceptible to the Black Rage and the Red Thirst – all-consuming curses that turn them savage and blood-thirsty in battle…

In February 2011, the Blood Angels will receive more reinforcements, including never-before-seen models – visit the website tomorrow for more information from the Studio in their Incoming! article. If you want to start massing your own Angelic Host, or are looking to bolster your troops, then here are some essential items to prepare for the new arrivals in February.

I wonder if this is going to be one of the new never-before-seen models?


I would think so!


Space Marine Stormraven – Photo leaked

There have been lots of rumours about the Stormraven. It is looking like Games Workshop made an error and accidentally uploaded a photograph of the new model to their website.


Looks quite nice really. Obviously has elements of the Thunderhawk within the design. A little tall perhaps?

The Stormraven Gunship is an incredibly versatile craft, able to fulfill the roll of orbital dropship, armoured transport and strike aircraft in a way that few, or indeed any, ships could hope to match. The Stormraven ensures that the Blood Angels remain undisputed masters of the skies, as dominant in the air as their troops are on the ground. Smaller and nimbler than the more cumbersome Thunderhawk Gunships, the Stormraven’s compact hull and vectored thrusters enable it to operate at maximum efficiency in all but the densest terrain. A Stormraven can often be seen hurtling straight into the heart of the enemy forces, unleashing its considerable arsenal in a terrifying display of firepower, before disgorging a squad, Dreadnought, or even both, into the thick of the fighting.

With its potent firepower, speed and transport capacity, the uses of a Stormraven on the battlefield are myriad, but its role of choice is as an unparalleled assault vehicle. With a huge variety of weapon options, and no less than four tank-busting Bloodstrike Missiles, both enemy infantry and vehicles alike fear drawing the attention of its guns. A transport capacity of 12 combined with the ability to safely carry a Dreadnought to battle as well certainly proves the Stormraven to be a transport vehicle of the very finest quality.

Via Warseer.

Fallen Imperial Eagle

In May 2009 I posted the following photograph that I had taken at GamesDay 2007.

Fallen Imperial Eagle on display cabinets at GamesDay 2007
Fallen Imperial Eagle on display cabinets at GamesDay 2007

Back then I said:

I really like this and still wonder why a resin version wasn’t made available either by GW or Forge World.



It is going to be released as part of a three piece plastic kit including a ruin and a Space Marine statue.

Plastic Imperial Guard Valkyrie at Design Studio Open Day

The rumours are right it would appear that there is going to be a plastic Valkyrie for the Imperial Guard.

This image is from the Design Studio Open Day which was today. Photo source.

This image is from the Games Workshop newsletter.

Looks very nice, might get one for my Daemonhunters army, well better get painting the rest of it first. What is also nice is that it comes with a decent flying stand which I hope will be available separately so I can put my Ork Bommer on one.