Dark Angelish Grey Knights

For my (very slow) grey Knights army I am using a variety of Space Marine models for the core troops. These include Space Marine Veterans and Dark Angels.

Having got a Dark Angels box set, I made them up and gave the models a black undercoat.

So they are not like the metal Grey Knights, but Grey Knights use a variety of old equipment, now and again I suspect they may use slightly newer kit hence being able to use the Dark Angels sprues.

See the full workbench feature.

What’s it going be?

Forgeworld have their own version of an Advent Calendar, certainly won’t have twenty four windows and it ain’t going be that festive!

 Forgeworld Teaser

Although we have called a temporary pause on new releases while we get everybody`s orders to them, we’re not resting on our laurels and we have a number of exciting new models on the way. By way of a teaser, over the next few updates we will be revealing a part of one of our new models to wet your appetite for the New Year. If you collect and assemble these teaser shots, you be able to see the whole thing!

Well the Inquisitor symbols makes me assume it’s an Inquisitor in Terminator Armour. Wonder what the whole model will look like?

WWI German Infantry Advancing in 1914

With Warhammer Historical available, GamesDay 2008 wasn’t just Fantasy and 40K, in Hall 1 there were a fair few historical wargames on show using the various Warhammer Historical rules. This is nothing new, last year we saw was Aly Morrison and Dave Andrews’ excellent World War One demonstration game.

Demonstrating The Great War rules were two games one set in Gallipoli and one in 1914. Here are some 1914 German Infantry moving forward…

WWI German Infantry

Beautifully painted and modelled.

WWI German Infantry

You can see many more pictures of the historical wargaming on my website.

To see more pictures from GamesDay 2008 have a look at my GamesDay 2008 Gallery.

Plastic Stompa and New Apocalypse

Having written before about the plastic Stompa, from another source I have got further  confirmation that there will be a plastic Ork Stompa and it will cost £60.

This same source did not deny the Plastic Shadowsword either.

One new thing from them was that when these models are released in April, there will also be the release of a revised version of Apocalypse.

Forge World Ork Gunwagon

If you have been following my workbench feature on my Forge World Ork Gunwagon, you will know that it is nearly finished. Though not quite finished, it’s finished enough for me to use in a game (or two). Having read the Forge World Masterclass Volume One book I am re-looking at the model and will see if there are things I can add to the model.

Forge World Ork Gunwagon

It performs quite well, and just ensure you have a few Meks around to fix it when it gets shot to pieces.

Full workbench feature on my Ork Gunwagon.

More pictures of Ork Gunwagons.

Why You Can’t Travel Back in Time and Kill Hitler

Nice article on the problems with time travel and travelling back in time to assassinate Hitler.

Next month sees the release of Valkyrie, a film about Claus von Stauffenberg, the man who tried to assassinate Adolph Hitler. Plenty of time travelers have had the same idea, although their plan was to kill Hitler before he enacted mass genocide. Their intentions may be noble, but the plans always seem to go awry, leaving history unchanged or even worse than when they left. We list all the ways their attempts go wrong, so you can plan your time travel accordingly.

The article that is mentioned and linked to that I enjoyed was Wikihistory by Desmond Warzel:

One of the bylaws of the International Association of Time Travelers states that you can’t kill Hitler. The problem is, everybody kills Hitler on their first trip. This leaves more experienced time travelers the onerous task of undoing the historical edits of n00bs.