Ork Stormboyz

Jet pack equipped Orks whom fly into battle.

I have been making progress on my jet packed Ork Stormboyz.

I am using the same process on these which I have used on my other Orks, however I may use shades of brown rather than grey.

The jump packs are being painted with different colours of brown with red nose cones.

Some of the models have used Warhammer Fantasy Orc components.

Epic Skorchaz

I have been painting my Epic Ork Skorchaz for my Ork Airfield Defence Force.

The black painted sections have now been drybrushed with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal.

I then painted the basecoat, using different colours of orange and brown for each vehicle.

The next stage is to give them an ink/paint wash.

I will then need to drybrush and add more detail and paint the krew.