Siege of Volganoff

The siege of Volganoff was originally displayed at Games Day 2010 and was then put into place at Warhammer World in 2015. By 2020 the display had been reduced to focus on the heart of the battle.

One of the castle towers with a Bombard providing defence.

Orc Boar Riders charge towards the castle.

More photographs of this diorama.

More photographs of the siege from Games Day and Warhammer World.

Orc Boar Riders and Goblins

This lovely photograph classic Orc Boar Riders and Goblins with Trolls and Snotlings in support. Check out the liberal use of Goblin Green and the amazing Snotling Pump Wagon.

Orc Boar Riders  and Goblins with Trolls and Snotlings in support. Check out the liberal use of Goblin Green and the amazing Snotling Pump Wagon.
Orc Boar Riders and Goblins with Trolls and Snotlings in support. Check out the liberal use of Goblin Green and the amazing Snotling Pump Wagon.

It was originally published in 1992, that’s quite some time ago. At this time I had “gone off” Warhammer but it had become, for me, looking slightly silly and the models appeared to be “unrealistic”. Come on how realistic are snotlings in the first place… I think a contributing factor as well was that Games Workshop were getting quite “strict” about their games, and the creativity we had seen in the earlier days was getting lost to “follow the army list to the letter”. I liked having fun, I think you can still have fun with games, but the models still need to look good.

Snotling Pump Wagon, still probably my favourite model of all time!

Visit the Orcs and Goblins Miniatures Gallery.


This lovely St George’esque Bretonnian Knight was one of many duel dioramas which were on display at Warhammer World. The knight is facing down a lovely red dragon (which I didn’t photograph).

I really like the scenic base, which is nice and rocky.

This is one half of an Elven duel, this was the High Elf, his opponent was a Dark Elf on a Cold One.

This is a Warhammer 40000 duel between a Space Marine Chaplin and an Exodite Eldar. The Chaplin is riding a bike.

The Exodite Eldar is on a lizard.

Exodite Eldar

The Exodites were a concept that had Eldar using giant lizards as mounts and large mounts for weapons (in a similar way to Elephants or Squiggoths). It was never taken further by Citadel, though some Epic concepts were sculptured and cast, but never went on sale. The concept proved popular with some and as a result there is an unofficial codex out on the tubes and some lovely models such as this one.

This was a Golden Demon winning Duel which I photographed on my most recent visit to Warhammer World in January 2020.

I first photographed the duel on a visit to Warhammer World back in 2007.

pace Marine Chaplin on a bike fighting an Eldar Exodite on a giant lizard


Chaos Toad Dragon

This Chaos Toad Dragon was in the display cabinets at Warhammer World.

Chaos Toad Dragon

Toad Dragons can be found, hidden amongst the murky waters to swallow up anything that passes by. They are huge, reeking, near-mindless, violent and almost impossible to kill.

Though someone has managed to “tame”this one to use it as a mount for battle.

This model was part of the original Warhammer Forge range of models from Forge World.

Luthor Huss

Of the Human nations of the Old World, the most important by far is that of the Empire of Man, more often called simply “The Empire.” It was forged by the warrior-king and ascended deity Sigmar from the primitive Human tribes of barbarians who inhabited what became the lands of the southern Empire more than 2500 years ago.

This painted model of Luthor Huss was on display at Warhammer World in July 2018.

Luthor Huss
Luthor Huss, known by others as the Prophet of Sigmar is a legendary and zealously pious Warrior Priest of the Cult of Sigmar that has traveled the length and breath of the Empire, preaching against corruption and rousing the faithful to seek the will of holy Sigmar. Having consigned himself to a life of eternal battle, where he believes he can best pay tribute to his mighty war-god, Luthor has since become a living nightmare of every corrupt priest, the scourge of the unfaithful and the bane of those who consorted with the Dark Powers.

The Old World in Warhammer is coming back…


According to the latest posting on the Warhammer Community sites, the Old World in Warhammer is coming back.

The original Warhammer world was “destroyed” in 2015. The Warhammer: The Game of Fantasy Battles changed forever when Games Workshop (though they said Archaon was responsible) destroyed the world.

 Everything we knew of the Old World collapsed into a void of Chaos and infinite possibility. From that tumultuous storm came the Mortal Realms, heralding a new dawn of unending war in the Age of Sigmar.

I never really got the Age of Sigmar, apart from it was an attempt to make Warhammer Fantasy Battles more like Warhammer 40K.

I am intersted to see where this is going, but it’s not a new story or a new world, it’s the original old world.

The Old World is to Warhammer Age of Sigmar, as the Horus Heresy is to Warhammer 40,000.

So looks like we’re getting the old Warhammer back…