Luthor Huss

Of the Human nations of the Old World, the most important by far is that of the Empire of Man, more often called simply “The Empire.” It was forged by the warrior-king and ascended deity Sigmar from the primitive Human tribes of barbarians who inhabited what became the lands of the southern Empire more than 2500 years ago.

This painted model of Luthor Huss was on display at Warhammer World in July 2018.

Luthor Huss
Luthor Huss, known by others as the Prophet of Sigmar is a legendary and zealously pious Warrior Priest of the Cult of Sigmar that has traveled the length and breath of the Empire, preaching against corruption and rousing the faithful to seek the will of holy Sigmar. Having consigned himself to a life of eternal battle, where he believes he can best pay tribute to his mighty war-god, Luthor has since become a living nightmare of every corrupt priest, the scourge of the unfaithful and the bane of those who consorted with the Dark Powers.

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