
I already have the metal models and they are painted and finished.

Using components from the Stormboyz metal bitz I am converting some plastic Ork models into Tankbustas.


The middle model has an Orc Warrior shield arm, which I have drilled a hole through the fist. I then cut one of the Stormboyz grenades in half before putting the two halves through the hole and sticking them with superglue.

I start off with a black undercoat and then do all the metallic bitz with a drybrush of tin bitz and chainmail.

This unit will also have an Ork with a converted Rokkit Launcha.


I have finished sticking my Ork Stormboyz together.

Stormboyz Rokkit Packs

The models which come as a multi-part plastic and metal kit have also had components from the Orc Warriors Warhammer sprue used.


They have now being undercoated black. Their jump packs have been undercoated white and I am painting them separately (hence they are glued to a strip of thick plasticard as shown here before being undercoated).


I am intending to paint the jump packs in reds and yellows.

The jump packs in my mind would make excellent large rockets for Epic Armageddon, however at £2 each they are quite expensive, if you wanted a large number it would be cheaper to buy the Stormboyz boxed set!

Big Gunz

I do like these Big Gunz models.

Big Gunz

They are very quick and easy to paint. I start off with black, then drybrush Tin Bitz, then a lighter drybrush with Boltgun Metal. Details are then picked out with yellow and red paint.

They recently took part in a game.

Big Gunz

And they didn’t do too well… even with a 36″ range I was too often out of range. Also as an ordnance weapon I couldn’t fire at the Valkyrie which flew onto the table.