Ork Skorcha

My Skorcha is nearing the end of its journey.

This shot shows the model after painting the entire bodywork in Vomit Brown.

Ork Skorcha

The next stage was to give it a wash of Chestnut Ink, Scorched Brown and water.

Ork Skorcha

This accents the detail and I will then drybrush with Vomit Brown.

Ork Skorcha

The driver is nearly done and the Grot Rigger is now finished.

Ork Skorcha Driver

Still quite a bit to do, but it is looking good.

Limited Edition 40K scale Inquisitor Model (got one)

Inquisitor LorrManaged to get one today…

At the beginning of March I mentioned that GW were releasing a limited edition Witch Hunter model that would only be sold in the stores on the 2nd and 3rd April.

Well I didn’t think I was going to get one, but I was on my way over to Simon’s for a game of Space Hulk and stopped off at the GW store and picked one up.

It is a very nice model and is based on the Witch Hunter model that is available in the boxed set, but has a different weapon (plasma pistol) and is pointing rather than holding a sword.

Personally I think it is a better model.

Now do I paint it, or do I keep it and sell it on eBay in a few years time (or does everyone do that).

Rules are in White Dwarf #304.

Limited Edition 40K scale Inquisitor Model

Inquisitor Lorr….only available on the 2nd and 3rd April in the UK and Northern Europe…

Games Workshop are releasing a limited edition 40K scale Inquisitor model to celebrate 30 years of Games Workshop (and it only seems like yesterday was the 25th anniversary).

I quite like the figure and if I have a chance I am going to try and get one.

It is only available in stores in the UK (and Northern Europe) on the 2nd and 3rd April.