LE1 Citadel Limited Edition Space Orc

Yes that title is correct this is the original limited edition Space Orc (not Ork) that was released in the 1980s (think it was 1985) on display at Warhammer World. This was the first limited edition (hence LE1) and arrived before the Space Marine LE2.

Space Orc

Here is a photograph of my model, which I bought and painted in the 1980s.

Space Orc

Death Korps of Krieg Quad Launcher

The Quad Launcher is a highly effective anti-infantry and suppression weapon, lobbing four shells at a time down onto enemy trenches, or used for point defence in a direct fire role against enemy infantry attacks.

Death Korps of Krieg Quad Launcher

Of course the Quad Launcher is also known at the Thudd Gun. This one was on display at Warhammer World.

Forge World Malcador Infernus

This Malcador Infernus was part of a large diorama at Warhammer World

A “crocodile” style variant of the Malcador, I do like the rear part of the vehicle I am less so sure about the main weaponry. It looks like a big flamer.

Now I know it is a big flamer, but what I mean is that it looks like an out of scale flamer, a 3-up of a standard flamer rather than an actual flamer which is big!

Diorama at Warhammer World

Here is a overhead shot of the diorama between the forces of Chaos and the might of the Imperium. Though I think the Chaos forces have the advantage in numbers…

Diorama at Warhammer World

As you can see it is huge, so big that it doesn’t even fit into the shot. Here is another view, this time of the battle for the bridge.

Battle for the bridge

I have posted a few things from this diorama already including a Warlord Titan at Warhammer World, a Chaos Vindicator, a Chaos Knight, a Forge World Chaos Warhound Titan, a Chaos Stormlord and a landed Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw.

Chaos Vindicator

The Vindicator has been in use by Imperial forces since the Great Crusade, and it has hardly changed since those turbulent days so long ago. The Space Marine Legions that sided with the corrupted Warmaster and Primarch of the Luna Wolves, Horus Lupercal, used their Vindicators against the Loyalist forces of the Emperor during the Horus Heresy. After the Horus Heresy ended in a pyrrhic victory for the Emperor’s Loyalists, the Traitors fled into the Eye of Terror, and luckily the number of Vindicators they still have in their possession is quite low in the late 41st Millennium, due to the Traitor Legions’ inability to easily replace their losses.

This Chaos Vindicator was part of a large display at Warhammer World.

Chaos Vindicator

The Vindicator is an Imperial siege tank based on the Rhino chassis used by many Space Marine Chapters that boasts the most powerful weapon of its type in the Adeptus Astartes’ standard armoury, the Demolisher Cannon. It is highly valued and can only be issued to company officers whose units have been tasked with a specific tactical requirement. Though short-ranged, the Vindicator’s Demolisher Cannon is capable of destroying enemy armour and fortifications in a single shot.

Games Workshop have had a Vindicator model in their ranges for many years now. Originally a conversion article in White Dwarf back in 1989, it was followed up some years later with a Forge World resin conversion kit of the then new plastic rhino.

Modelling Workshop Page for the Space Marine Vindicator

In 2007 Games Workshop released a new plastic Vindicator. Not to be outdone, in 2013 Forge World released the Demios Pattern Vindicator.

Legion Deimos Pattern Vindicator

A nostalgic throwback to the original plastic conversion from 1989, this is obviously a lot more detailed and sophisticated model.

The Vindicator has a long history in Games Workshop and the many variations providing an interesting insight to the design and development of Games Workshop as a whole. From the early days of simple conversions, to Forge World conversion kits, a detailed plastic kit and then a retro throwback.

Chaos Stormlord

A fierce Chaos Stormlord on the assault at Warhammer World.

Chaos Stormlord

The Stormlord is a super-heavy main battle tank and variant of the Shadowsword tank-hunter and Titan-killer tank usually used by the forces of the Astra Militarum. The Stormlord replaces the Volcano Cannon of the Shadowsword with a Vulcan Mega Bolter. By removing the large capacitors and generators required for the Volcano Cannon to operate, extra space has been opened up near the rear of the vehicle which allows the Stormlord to carry up to 40 infantrymen as an open-topped armoured transport. With the Horus Hersey many Stormlords turned over to the forces of Chaos.