Citadel Limited Editions at Warhammer World

In the 1980s Citadel released a range of limited edition models. These were quirky models that did not always fit the archetype fantasy model. These were often the earliest examples of 40K models. In addition many of the models were juvenile, the dwarf on the toilet comes to mind.

This Space Orc (note Orc not Ork) was on display at Warhammer World.

Interesting that they have based it on a cavalry base.

I have one of these in in my collection, I also have one of the Space Skeletons that was on display at Warhammer World.

There never was an Undead army for 40K, in the same way that orcs became orks, elves became eldar. The closest equivalent was the Necrons. This model though reminds me of the Vashta Nerada from Doctor Who, who were in the episode Silence in the Library.

This was the Zoat. It was first mentioned in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay rulebook. 

I have one of these, which I had painted purple.

LE Fantasy Zoat
LE Fantasy Zoat

These were fun models, some were excellent, others were not. 

Citadel Limited Editions miniatures gallery.

LE1 Citadel Limited Edition Space Orc

Yes that title is correct this is the original limited edition Space Orc (not Ork) that was released in the 1980s (think it was 1985) on display at Warhammer World. This was the first limited edition (hence LE1) and arrived before the Space Marine LE2.

Space Orc

Here is a photograph of my model, which I bought and painted in the 1980s.

Space Orc