This incredible Imperial Guard Parade was on display at Warhammer World.
Category: warhammer 40k
Armoured Vehicles of the Black Templars
These Armoured Vehicles of the Black Templars were in the display cabinets at Warhammer World.
The Black Templars stand as the most fervent Chapter within the Adeptus Astartes, a brotherhood of Space Marines renowned for their unwavering devotion to the Emperor. These warriors are not merely soldiers, but zealous crusaders, charging headlong into battle to confront their enemies directly and deliver the Emperor’s justice with the cold fury of righteous wrath.
Their fervor is legendary, a burning intensity that fuels their every action. In a testament to their unwavering resolve, the Black Templars chain their weapons – their bolters, their chainswords, their mighty power fists – to their wrists. This act of self-denial symbolizes their absolute commitment to the Emperor’s will. Their weapons are extensions of their bodies, tools of their faith, and they shall not be relinquished until victory is secured, or until they themselves are utterly vanquished.
The Black Templars are not merely warriors; they are living embodiments of the Emperor’s wrath, a storm of steel and fury unleashed upon the galaxy’s enemies. They are a terrifying sight to behold, their black armor gleaming ominously in the battlefield’s harsh light, their faces obscured by grim helms, and their eyes burning with the cold fire of unwavering faith.
Ork Flash Gitz
These Ork Flash Gitz were on display at Warhammer World.

Behold the Flash Gitz! The richest and most obnoxious of all the Orks. These wanton mercenaries travel the galaxy flaunting their flashy kit and engaging in acts of outrageous piracy. But don’t be fooled by their ostentation. A mob of Gitz are exceptionally skilled at breaking ‘eads and they are lethal in a firefight – Gork knows when they open fire it’s nothing short of cataclysmic.
Imperial Navy Vulture Gunship

The Vulture is a gunship of the Imperial Navy’s Aeronautica Imperialis that is capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL). It is used to provide heavy air support for Astra Militarum ground units and the Valkyrie transport. The Vulture is very similar in appearance to the Valkyrie, but with a drastically different role on the battlefield. The Vulture is capable of carrying a large variety of weapons and is able to engage both infantry and armoured units, and is also able to effectively attack fortified enemy structures and bunkers. The Vulture is an attack gunship, and its main role is the support of Valkyrie assault carriers while in flight and while their Imperial Guard troops are disembarking. The Vulture will often stay at the drop zone after the Valkyries have left in order to provide heavy air support to the infantry on the ground. Regiments of the Imperial Guard like the Elysian Drop Troops make heavy use of Vultures as they are often deployed into hostile territory without heavy armour or artillery support. Like all Imperial aircraft, the Vulture is crewed and operated by members of the Imperial Navy’s Aeronautica Imperialis, though it is always used in support of Astra Militarum ground forces.
Dark Eldar
The Drukhari are of course the Warhammer 40K version of Dark Elves, hence their other moniker of Dark Eldar.
Across Warhammer World there were some lovely painted models of the Drukhari including this Razorwing Jetfighter.

The Drukhari employ Razorwing Jetfighters to sow destruction and panic in the midst of the foe. No prey is fast enough to outpace these aggressive and consummately skilled fighter craft, for each of their pilots was once a member of the Reaver elite, and to them fighting at breakneck speed is second nature. To ensure the total destruction of their enemies, the Razorwing is equipped with a huge array of weapons with which they can rend, blast, shred and melt their targets. Most deadly of all is the monoscythe missile, engineered to explode at head-height in a horizontal wave of energy that will decapitate anyone nearby.
This was a Raider, the main transport of the Drukhari.

Bladed skycraft, they are lightweight and extremely manoeuvrable. Raiders travel at extreme speed, using their sword-sharp fins and jagged keels to cut apart the foe, while their prow-mounted heavy weapons punish the foe.
Valkyrie Sky Talon

The Valkyrie Sky Talon is a variant of the Valkyrie Airborne Assault Carrier, and is used as a support aircraft intended to provide combat airlifts of light vehicles and cargo for the Astra Militarum. The Valkyrie Sky Talon, also known simply as the Sky Talon, is used for the transportation of light armoured vehicles, whereas the standard Valkyrie transports the air mobile infantry of the Imperial Guard into battle.
Eldar Harlequins at Warhammer World
Harlequins are the Eldar followers of Cegorach, the Laughing God. They are the performers and entertainers of the Eldar, the self-appointed protectors of the Eldar’s pre-Fall history, which they perform in extremely elaborate plays involving not only elaborate costumes, scenery, acrobatics, and a troupe of dedicated actors, but further elaboration of the drama through psykana and psychedelic drugs.
This is a Harlequins Starweaver. I think one of the reasons I would not paint up a Harlequin army is the necessity to paint large amounts of checked areas.

The more heavily armed Voidweaver is shown here.

This is a Skyweaver.

I’ve always liked the look of the Eldar Harlequins, however I know I don’t have the skills to create such elaborate paint jobs, so I look from afar at these miniatures.
Tau TX4 Piranha

A TX4 Piranha is a type of lightly armoured combat scout skimmer used by the Tau Fire Caste – a mobile weapons platform that is capable of great speed and manoeuvrability. Using its jet-thrusters and anti-gravitic engine, a Piranha is a fast moving craft that is extremely hard for a foe to hit, its twin crew well able to hug the terrain and make the best use of any cover. Furthermore, a Piranha’s weaponry allows it to punch well above its own weight, either using its Burst Cannon to slaughter enemy infantry, or using a Fusion Blaster to blow apart battle tanks many times its own size. Along with a nose-mounted main armament, a Piranha carries two Gun Drones — either retained on the vehicle to add firepower, or detached into AI (Artificial Intelligence) mode to perform some other mission. When operating as lone hunters, Piranhas are dangerous enough, but it is when they are fielded in teams that they become truly lethal.
The Battle of Vesh’yo – Tau versus Adeptus Mechanicus
This diorama of The Battle of Vesh’yo was on display at Warhammer World.
The legions of the Cult Mechanicus launch an assault on the resource-rich Tau colony world of Vesh’yo, intent on plundering it to feed the insatiable appetites of their Forge Worlds. The mighty Titans of Legio Atarus walk alongside the Knights of House Col Khak, bound to the Lords of Mars by oaths of fealty even older than the Imperium. But will this be enough to defeat the cutting-edge technology of the upstart xenos? Can even a Titan prevail against T’au Supremacy Armour?
There was a huge display of Tau forces defending themselves against an attacking force of Imperial Knights and Titans. At the heart of the display is the huge Tau Manta.