Chimera Transport

The Chimera is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle, an infantry transport designed to transport men to where they need to be, then provide support fire and cover behind its armour.

From Simon’s collection and photographs from GamesDay and Warhamer World.

One of Simon’s Chimera transports in my photgraphic terrain
Imperial Guard Catachan Chimera Transport at Warhammer World.
Imperial Guard Catachan Chimera Transport at Warhammer World
Vostroyan Imperial Guard Chimera
Vostroyan Imperial Guard Chimera at Warhammer World

Vostroyan Imperial Guard Chimera
Vostroyan Imperial Guard Chimera at Warhammer World

Really nicely painted Imperial Chimera from the 2005 UK Golden Demon awards.
Really nicely painted Imperial Chimera from the 2005 UK Golden Demon awards.
Really nicely painted Imperial Chimera from the display cabinets at GamesDay 2009.
Really nicely painted Imperial Chimera from the display cabinets at GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Guard Chimera
Imperial Guard Chimera at Warhammer World
Imperial Chimera from the display cabinets at GamesDay 2007.
Imperial Chimera from the display cabinets at GamesDay 2007.

One of Simon's Chimera transports. Note that he has used A Forgeworld Heavy Bolter turret and has added full track guards (also from Forgeworld) as well.
One of Simon’s Chimera transports. Note that he has used A Forgeworld Heavy Bolter turret and has added full track guards (also from Forgeworld) as well.
One of Simon's Chimera transports. Note that he has used the Imperial Guard extra armour sprue to add track guards, stowage, a heavy stubber and a few other bits and pieces.
One of Simon’s Chimera transports. Note that he has used the Imperial Guard extra armour sprue to add track guards, stowage, a heavy stubber and a few other bits and pieces.
Imperial Chimera
Imperial Chimera
Vostroyan Imperial Guard Chimera
Vostroyan Imperial Guard Chimera at Warhammer World

Imperial Guard Chimera
Imperial Guard Chimera

Imperial Guard Vostroyan Chimera at Warhammer World.
Imperial Guard Vostroyan Chimera at Warhammer World.
Imperial Guard Catachan Chimera at Warhammer World.
Imperial Guard Catachan Chimera at Warhammer World.

Imperial Guard Chimera

Imperial Guard Steam Tank (Chimera)
Imperial Guard Chimera
Imperial Guard Chimera fighting Orks from a participation game at GamesDay 2006.
Imperial Guard Chimera fighting Orks from a participation game at GamesDay 2006.
Chimera brewing up.
Chimera brewing up.
Chimera and Hellhound move forward supported by Imperial Guard infantry.
Chimera and Hellhound move forward supported by Imperial Guard infantry.
Chimera on patrol in a ruined Imperial city.
Chimera on patrol in a ruined Imperial city.
Imperial Guard with Chimera Transport advance.
Imperial Guard with Chimera Transport advance.
Imperial Guard Chimera Armoured Car (conversion)
mperial Guard Chimera Armoured Car (conversion) Part of Owen Rees’ Imperial Guard – The 374th Tahnelian Airborne, in the White Dwarf display cabinets at GamesDay 2006.
Imperial Guard Chimera Armoured Car (conversion) Part of Owen Rees' Imperial Guard - The 374th Tahnelian Airborne, in the White Dwarf display cabinets at GamesDay 2006.
Imperial Guard Chimera Armoured Car (conversion) Part of Owen Rees’ Imperial Guard – The 374th Tahnelian Airborne, in the White Dwarf display cabinets at GamesDay 2006.
Command Chimera from GamesDay 2008.
Command Chimera from GamesDay 2008.
Imperial Guard Chimera from GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Guard Chimera from GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Guard Chimera conversion from GamesDay 2008.
Imperial Guard Chimera conversion from GamesDay 2008.