Valkyrie Transport

The Valkyrie Airborne Assault Carrier is a heavily armed Imperial Aircraft with VTOL (Vertical Takeoff Or Landing) capabilities, used to ferry special forces such as Storm Trooper Squads and Drop Troop Regiments such as the Elysian Drop Troops and Harakoni Warhawks to and from combat zones.

The Valkyrie, like most of the Imperium’s aircraft, is piloted and operated by the Imperial Navy, with a pilot, co-pilot and two door gunners. Valkyries are provided in joint operations for use to the Imperial Guard on an as needed basis, with pilots reporting directly to the regiment’s senior officer.

From Forgeworld’s Display Cabinets photographed at GamesDay, demonstration games at various shows and from Simon’s collection.

Valkyrie Transport from a Forge World display.

Militarum Tempestus Valkyrie
Militarum Tempestus Valkyrie on display at Warhammer World

Simon’s Valkyrie Transport.
Catachan Valkyrie
Valkyrie from the Catachan 22nd Airborne Assault Group

Overhead shot.
Overhead shot.

Stormtroopers disembark a Valkyrie in the ruins of an Imperial City.
Stormtroopers disembark a Valkyrie in the ruins of an Imperial City.

Forgeworld display of Valkyrie touching down on landing pad.
Forgeworld display of Valkyrie touching down on landing pad.
Forgeworld display of Valkyrie touching down on landing pad.
Forgeworld display of Valkyrie touching down on landing pad.
Valkyrie which is part of Owen Rees' Imperial Guard - The 374th Tahnelian Airborne, in the White Dwarf display cabinets at GamesDay 2006.
Valkyrie which is part of Owen Rees’ Imperial Guard – The 374th Tahnelian Airborne, in the White Dwarf display cabinets at GamesDay 2006.

Imperial Navy Valkyrie on the Warhammer World's Mega-Gaming Table from GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie on the Warhammer World’s Mega-Gaming Table from GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie on the Warhammer World's Mega-Gaming Table from GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie on the Warhammer World’s Mega-Gaming Table from GamesDay 2009.
A Valkyrie which was entered into the 2009 Golden Demon awards.
A Valkyrie which was entered into the 2009 Golden Demon awards.
A Valkyrie which was entered into the 2009 Golden Demon awards.
A Valkyrie which was entered into the 2009 Golden Demon awards.
A Valkyrie which was entered into the 2009 Golden Demon awards.
A Valkyrie which was entered into the 2009 Golden Demon awards.
A Valkyrie which was entered into the 2009 Golden Demon awards.
A Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
A Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
A pair of Imperial Navy Valkyries from a demonstration game at GamesDay 2009.
A Forge World Valkyrie which was entered into the 2003 Golden Demon awards.
A Forge World Valkyrie which was entered into the 2003 Golden Demon awards.
Forge World downed Valkyrie which was in the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2007.
Forge World downed Valkyrie which was in the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2007.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie at Warhammer World
Imperial Navy Valkyrie at Warhammer World