Moon Base Tau

There was a huge display of Tau forces defending themselves against an attacking force of Imperial Knights and Titans.

At the heart of the display is the huge Tau Manta.

The Manta, more formally known as the Manta Missile Destroyer, is a super-heavy Tau spacecraft that is also the Tau Empire’s closest equivalent to the Imperium of Man’s Titans and Ork Gargants. It is well-armoured for use in frontline combat and can deliver massive amounts of firepower to the battlefield to help support Tau ground forces during a frontal assault against entrenched enemy positions.

As for the model, it measures 630mm/25 inches long and has a wingspan of 860mm/34 inches! Weighing in at 12.5 kilos/28 pounds, it weighs six times as much as a Thunderhawk Gunship.

We never saw a version for Aeronautica Imperialis before the game was retired. As there are no xenon forces in Legions Imperialis, we won’t see one there either. Do think it is a pity that GW aren’t going to produce xenon forces for Legions Imperialis as it is a Horus Heresy based game. I do wonder if at some point in the future we might?

Across the battlefield were many different types of Tau forces.

Attacking were the Mechanicum with Knights and Titans.

Aeronautical Imperialis at Warhammer World

With the release of Legion Imperialis, we saw the retirement of Aeronautical Imperialis. Well a Horus Heresy version of the game was retained.

In the display cabinets at Warhammer World there were a few Ork Aeronautical Imperialis models on display.

In the Ork Air Waaagh! on display, was the huge Forge World Mega Bommer, some Dakkajets, and a Grot Bommer.

There was also a Grot Bommer.

Alongside the Orks were some of the Tau models.

I really like the Aeronautical Imperialis models and have a fair few Ork models on my workbench. It’s a pity it has been retired and we’re not going to see any new Xenos models for a while.

See the Aeronautical Imperialis Miniatures Gallery.

So now what’s next for Aeronautica Imperialis?

Back in July 2020 I wrote a speculative piece about future releases for Aeronautica Imperialis and some personal preferences for models. I had written the post after finishing painting my Valkyrie Assault Carriers which had been released alongside there Skies of Fire boxed set which contained miniatures for the Tau and the Astra Militarum.

I started to think about which models I would get next, and that got me thinking what we have seen that still needs to be released and also what could be released in the future and what I would like to see in the future as well.

Since that article was published we have had some new releases for Aeronautica Imperialis from GW and resin models from Forge World.

Forge World released the Vulture Gunship and the Arvus Lighter in August 2020.

Continue reading “So now what’s next for Aeronautica Imperialis?”

T’au at Warhammer World

There were lots of T’au models on display at Warhammer World, including a massive diorama featuring the T’au fighting Titans and Knights.

In the display cabinets were various models. including this Battlesuit Commander Shas’o R’alai with Drones.

The Shas’vre assigned to pilot the XV-9 Battlesuit armour are combat veterans, each a survivor of the deadliest battles against the Greater Good’s most savage foes. The Fire Caste of Ke’lshan has mastered the use of the XV-9, and within this cadre of solemn and determined warriors Shas’o R’alai is a paragon amongst veterans; his skills have been rewarded with the most advanced weapons and equipment produced by the Earth Caste.

XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit and behind it a KV128 Stormsurge.

A huge, deadly and nigh-undetectable weapon of impressive killing capacity, the XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit is a formidable display of T’au war technology. Piloted by a single, hand-picked T’au warrior, a lone Ghostkeel is capable of appearing from seemingly nowhere, unleashing a storm of incredible firepower with its fusion collider and disappearing into the mayhem and confusion of battle. This battlesuit bristles with a vast array of advanced countermeasures, making it invisible to enemy sensors – weapons simply refuse to lock-on and the few that manage to loose off a shot are baffled by a spectacular display of flares and electronic countermeasures.

As seen already on the blog there was also a Devilfish Troop Carrier.

More photographs of the T’au.

T’au Devilfish Troop Carrier

This T’au Devilfish Troop Carrier was on display at Warhammer World.

A TY7 Devilfish armoured troop carrier is the primary anti-gravitic skimmer transport utilised by Tau ground forces and can carry twelve Fire Warriors or Pathfinders into combat in relative safety, and then provide mobile fire support once they disembark. A resilient and versatile transport, it is the TY7 Devilfish that allows Fire Caste ground forces to successfully execute many of their strategies, whether by rapidly relocating Fire Warriors to new coordinates as part of grand strategic manoeuvers, or punching through enemy lines, guns blazing, to extract Pathfinder teams before they can be overwhelmed. These ubiquitous transports are exceptionally popular with the Fire Caste, and their courageous pilots are offered great respect.

New Aeronautica Ground Assets on pre-order

The ground assets for Aeronautica Imperialis that reflect the forces in the Skies of Fire boxed set and the Taros Air War campaign are now available to pre-order from Forge World.

Unlike the previous release of ground assets which was a plastic kit, these are resin models from Forge World.

For the Astra Militarum there will be a Hydra Flak Battery, a Basilisk anti-aircraft emplacement and a really nice sturdy refuelling station to represent as an objective.

The T’au weapons are the KV 126 Skyfire Platform and the KV 129 Stormfury Platform, and there is a nice T’au Air Caste communications tower as well.

Each set consists of the three models and are £22 each and are available to pre-order now.

T’au Barracuda AX-5-2

This beautifully painted T’au Barracuda AX-5-2 was on display at Warhammer World.

To combat the ever-increasing diversity of enemies faced by the expanding T’au Empire, the AX-5-2 Barracuda was developed as a multi-role fighter by the Earth Caste of the Vash’ya Sept. This new pattern maintained the unmatched agility and manoeuvrability of its forebears, but benefitted from an improved power grid and enhanced combat avionics systems, as well as a variable weapons fit so that it could be rearmed swiftly between missions.

Tau versus Adeptus Mechanicus

This diorama was on display at Warhammer World in 2018.

T’au battlesuits flew over the attacking forces attempting to stop them.

The Reaver Titan was marching forward despite being repeatedly attacked by T’au forces.

Imperial Warlord Titan engaging the T’au.

Another view.

See more photographs of the diorama.

KX139 Ta’unar Supremacy Armour with Heavy Rail Cannon Array

T’au Supremacy armour is larger than any other current class of battlesuit. It is intended to meet a threat that the T’au Empire has not yet prepared for; the defence of worlds within their growing domain from the counter-expansion forces of other races. Lacking the manoeuvrability of other battlesuits, the KX139 Ta’unar Supremacy Armour was designed for static defence, carrying massively destructive, long range weapons.

KX139 Ta'unar Supremacy Armour

The T’au Heavy Rail Cannon Array is the most powerful armament yet developed to be mounted on the KX139 Ta’unar Supremacy Armour without structural damage being incurred from its use. It was created to eliminate the toughest enemy targets at extreme range.

New Aeronautica Ground Assets

We will be getting some more ground assets for Aeronautica Imperialis that reflect the forces in the Skies of Fire boxed set and the Taros Air War campaign.

This was announced on the Warhammer Community site, and it looks like we will be getting the following new models.

For the Astra Militarum there will be a Hydra Flak Battery, a Basilisk anti-aircraft emplacement and a really nice sturdy refuelling station to represent as an objective.

The Hydra makes sense, not so sure about using the Basilisk as an anti-aircraft weapon, well then why not if you need to blow one of those Ork Air Waaagh! Mega Bommers out of the sky.

I quite like the T’au weapons, which includes the KV 126 Skyfire Platform and the KV 129 Stormfury Platform.

These are really nice models.

I like the T’au Air Caste communications tower as well which can be used, like the refuelling station as an objective.

As per usual no release date, but I am expecting it available to pre-order around the 20th November if other releases are anything to go by.

If Games Workshop ever went down turning Adeptus Titanicus into a fully fledged Epic style game with infantry and tanks and Xenos races, then the T’au would be a really tempting force to buy.