The Vulture is a gunship of the Imperial Navy’s Aeronautica Imperialis that is capable of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL). It is used to provide heavy air support for Astra Militarum ground units and the Valkyrie transport. The Vulture is very similar in appearance to the Valkyrie, but with a drastically different role on the battlefield. The Vulture is capable of carrying a large variety of weapons and is able to engage both infantry and armoured units, and is also able to effectively attack fortified enemy structures and bunkers. The Vulture is an attack gunship, and its main role is the support of Valkyrie assault carriers while in flight and while their Imperial Guard troops are disembarking. The Vulture will often stay at the drop zone after the Valkyries have left in order to provide heavy air support to the infantry on the ground. Regiments of the Imperial Guard like the Elysian Drop Troops make heavy use of Vultures as they are often deployed into hostile territory without heavy armour or artillery support. Like all Imperial aircraft, the Vulture is crewed and operated by members of the Imperial Navy’s Aeronautica Imperialis, though it is always used in support of Astra Militarum ground forces.
Tag: vulture
So now what’s next for Aeronautica Imperialis?
Back in July 2020 I wrote a speculative piece about future releases for Aeronautica Imperialis and some personal preferences for models. I had written the post after finishing painting my Valkyrie Assault Carriers which had been released alongside there Skies of Fire boxed set which contained miniatures for the Tau and the Astra Militarum.
I started to think about which models I would get next, and that got me thinking what we have seen that still needs to be released and also what could be released in the future and what I would like to see in the future as well.
Since that article was published we have had some new releases for Aeronautica Imperialis from GW and resin models from Forge World.
Forge World released the Vulture Gunship and the Arvus Lighter in August 2020.
Continue reading “So now what’s next for Aeronautica Imperialis?”
Forge World Aeronautica Imperialis Pre-Orders
We’ve known about them for a while now, but the Arvus Lighter and Vulture Gunship are now on pre-order from the Forge World website.
These are the first releases for (the new) Aeronautica Imperialis boxed game from Forge World and hopefully will be the first of many new releases for Aeronautica Imperialis in the future. I recently posted a blog post about my thinking of what’s next for Aeronautica Imperialis.
So what of the new models?
First there is the Arvus Lighter, an Imperial transport.
The Arvus Lighter is a workhorse of the Imperium. Transporting both vital cargo and critical personnel, even from orbit, they’re small and fast enough to slip through war zones that would prove too difficult for larger, more cumbersome craft. While armoured, they are completely unarmed, relying on support from escort aircraft in active battles. Affectionately called “the hog” or “little pig”, this scout-class ship is a common sight on battlefields across the galaxy.
Completely unarmed, maybe not the best option for a game of Aeronautica Imperialis, however as an objective for a scenario, it could prove useful.
This small model comprised of nine parts looks very much the part.
The other release is the Vulture Gunship.
Squadrons of Valkyrie Assault Carriers are often supported by these heavily armed dedicated gunships. The Vulture sacrifices troop-carrying capacity in favour of a massive engine and souped-up power plant, delivering serious firepower via underslung hard points. When armed with a Punisher Cannon, they can unleash devastating fusillades to annihilate targets at medium range.
I did think that these are lovely little miniatures, but was a little surprised by the price, well why would I be surprised by the price, it’s Forge World! Having said that £26 gets you four Valkyrie Assault Carriers, whilst the Vulture costs £30 for just two.
Having said that, I do like both models and am seriously thinking about getting some.
What next for Aeronautica Imperialis?
I’ve enjoyed painting my Aeronautica Imperialis models and even I am impressed that I have managed to build, undercoat and paint them in a relatively short timeframe. I did my Valkyrie Assault Carrier in a week! I would usually take a few years to paint them (if at all….).
I started to think about which models I would get next, and that got me thinking what we have seen that still needs to be released and also what could be released in the future and what I would like to see in the future as well.
Some of these are obviously core Games Workshop releases, some could be plastic kits and I think others might be Forge World models or upgrades to plastic kits.
Forge World have released some kits for Adeptus Titanicus, such as weapon upgrades, new titans and scenery. I would like to think that they would do something similar for Aeronautica Imperialis.
What I might get next?
So, there are now quite a few released models for Aeronautica Imperialis, Ork, Imperial and now T’au aircraft. I bought Wings of Vengeance, so I already have Ork Dakkajets, Fighta Bommerz as well as Imperial Thunderbolts and Marauders. I also bought a box of Valkyrie Assault Carriers. I was lucky enough to find a box of Ground Assets recently, so I have those as well.
The obvious answer for me is a pair of Grot Bommerz. I do like the concept of these, though I am not a big fan of the actual models, but Orks is Orks, so they are next on my shopping list.
If I get those then I might get the Heavy Ork Bommerz as well. Continue reading “What next for Aeronautica Imperialis?”
The Aeronautica Imperialis Valkyrie Assault Carriers have arrived
Out of all the new imminent releases for the next phase of Aeronautica Imperialis releases for Skies of Fire the one that I liked the most was the Valkyrie. So much so that I did something I rarely do, and pre-ordered the boxed set of the Aeronautica Imperialis Valkyrie Assault Carriers from Alchemists Workshop and they’ve now arrived… with a few extras.
Hmmm, look what’s just arrived in the post from @AlchemistsWorks some new little planes (well Valkyrie Flyers), some #AeronauticaImperialis cards, more paint and some sweets! Yay!
— iFelix (@ifelix) June 15, 2020
I had not used Alchemists Workshops before, so was impressed with both their prices (good discounts), customer service and fast delivery (the parcel actually arrived yesterday).
As well as the Valkyrie Flyers I also got the new Aircraft and Aces Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy Cards and I also decided to get the Aircraft and Aces Imperial Navy Cards as well. I already have the Aircraft and Aces Ork Air Waaagh! Cards.
In the Aircraft and Aces Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy Cards you do get cards for the released Valkyrie and Lightning Fighter, but there are also cards for the Imperial Arvus Lighter, the Avenger Strike Fighters and the Vulture Gunship. We have seen pictures of all three aircraft, but t they haven’t yet been released.
Imperial Navy Vulture Gunship
Imperial Navy Vulture Gunship from the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2007.
I do wonder if we would ever see a plastic Vulture, but though I thought we would never see a plastic Valkyrie, I do think it unlikely that we will see a plastic Vulture.
The current Forge World kit, which use to be 100% resin, now combines resin parts with sprues from the plastic Valkyrie kit.
See more photographs of the Imperial Navy Vulture Gunship.
Forge World Vulture
A Forge World Vulture on display at GamesDay 2009.
Very likely the plastic-resin version, it is also using the new(ish) transfer sheet.
Vultures at the Forge World Open Day
Next month sees the release of the plastic Valkyrie from Games Workshop.
At the recent Forge World Open Day we saw some conversion kits for the plastic Valkyrie including a Vulture and a Vendetta.
The Vulture makes use of some of the plastic components, whilst the Vendetta conversion turns the Valkyrie into a heavily armed gunship.
Alas I didn’t manage to get any photographs of the Vendetta (I thought I had, but I hadn’t).
Forge World will also be making some new weapon packs as well.
Really nice kits.
Update: you can now see all my photographs from the Forge World Open Day 2009 in this gallery.
Imperial Navy Valkyrie and Vulture
Imperial Navy Valkyrie
Imperial Navy Vulture
Part of Owen Rees’ Imperial Guard – The 374th Tahnelian Airborne, in the White Dwarf display cabinets at GamesDay 2006.