Grot Cutta

I originally bought this model for my Flintloque army.

It is a Gorkamorka Grot Cutta.

I am intending to use it with my Warhammer 40K Ork army as an alternative buggy.

The model originally came with two rear rubber tires, I decided (as it was a fantasy napoleonic army) to use the WH40K metal wheels. I have kept them as I think it looks better that way.

Giant Squiggoth

As you may have read in the recent Forgeworld newsletter, they will be releasing an epic version of their Giant Squiggoth.

It is a wonderful sculpt and I have always liked the 40K version, but never had the £200 it cost.

It is perfect for my Feral Ork Army and I can’t wait until they come out.

It’s fantastic and hats off to Daniel Cockersell for a fantastic miniature.

Epic Junkatrukks

I have made some progress with my Feral Ork Junkatrukks.

They have been undercoated.

Epic Ork Junkatrukks

I much prefer using a white undercoat when painting models in reds, yellows or orange. If I am going for a dark look then I will use a black undercoat.

Epic Ork Junkatrukks

I have also added the metal areas, by given them a base coat of black.

Epic Ork Junkatrukks

This will be drybrushed with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal, I will then touch up the white areas before painting the bodywork in reds, yellows and orange colours.

Epic Feral Ork Infantry

Trying something slightly different…

Those of you who have seen Carl Woodrow’s EA Terminators will have realised he has followed Mark Bedford’s lead and based them on 40mm x 20mm (read Warmaster) bases.

I have decided to do the same with my Feral Orks as they are even less organised than a regular ork army that I will base the infantry using 40mm x 20mm bases (read Warmaster bases) and put seven models on each base.

The first few bases look very different to the line of infantry you get with the regular Epic40K 20mm x 5mm bases.

Epic Feral Ork Infantry

Epic Junka Trukks

Using Epic Armageddon Battlewagonz as Feral Ork Junkatrukks…

I have decided to use two type of model for my Feral Ork army. One is original Epic40K Flagwagons the other are the new Epic Armageddon Battlewagonz.

The Battlewagonz blister contains five models of three types.

Epic Junka Trukks

They are very nice models.

Epic Junka Trukks

Though I would say that the Epic40K flakwagon (being in three parts) is more detailed then the new all-in-one Battlewagon variant contained in this blister.

Feral Ork Boar Rider

As you may recall from a previous posting I am in the process of making some Feral Ork Boar Boyz using parts from the Warhammer Fantasy Battle Orc Warriors and the 40K Ork Boyz sprues.

Here is a picture of the newly constructed model.

I may add some reins and add a few other features.

I have avoided using the regular rectangular base and opted for the 40mm round base.