Masking the turret

I have been thinking about using the turrets from the Ork Battlewagon on my Ork Looted Rhino.

I decided that I would use two undercoats, a black undercoat for some of the model and a white undercoat for the main bodywork. In order to achieve this I masked off the areas of the model that would be brown.

I decided that as I was using this on the Looted Rhino that I could get away with using an Imperial turret hatch and so I could use one of the Ork turret hatches (or mini turret) on another Ork vehicle.

Though the photograph shows the roof of the turret on the model, that is just to show how it will look and wasn’t stuck on at this time.

Reducing the sheen

I gave the craters a base coat. Rather than use GW paints I used Daler Rowney’s Burnt Umber acrylic paint. The paint does give a slight sheen, but the process I am using should tone that down. To reduce the sheen of the acrylic paint, I sprayed the craters sparingly with a Humbrol Dark Brown spray which gave the desired effect.


After buying the “not very good” Blastscape I was slighty wary of buying the Moonscape, knowing it was made from the same vac-formed process. However Simon had bought some a year or so back and he said they were very good. So one impulse purchase later and I was the proud owner of a bag of Moonscape craters.

No battlefield would be complete without some fantastic terrain to bring your games to life and provide cover for your units. These Warhammer 40,000 Moonscapes are an excellent representation of the craters and ruined earth left by the devastating weaponry of the 41st millennium. Easily painted to match your gaming board they provide cover for advancing squads and can be used to represent the craters left by destroyed vehicles.

This set contains five different variations of vac-formed plastic craters for use in your games of Warhammer 40,000.

I gave the craters a white undercoat.

Masking the Battlewagon

Having constructed the Battlewagon the next stage was to undercoat the model. I decided that I would use two undercoats, a black undercoat for some of the model and a brown undercoat (or basecoat) for the main bodywork. In order to achieve this I masked off the areas of the model that would be brown.

I also masked the areas that I would need to use glue on later.

See the full workbench feature on the Ork Battlewagon.

See photographs of completed Ork Battlewagons from various shows.

Grey Knights Land Raider

Having given the Land Raider a black undercoat I started the basecoat.

Though this is a Grey Knights Land Raider, I decided early on with this force that the majority of the armoured vehicles would be a sandy desert colour.

I used Citadel Foundation Paint, Tausept Ochre as the basecoat.

See the full workbench feature on this Land Raider.