Orks with Heavy Weapons Conversions

Orks with Heavy Weapons Conversions using plastic components to make Orks with big shootaz and rokkit launchaz.

In my previous post I showed the metal Orks with Heavy Weapons.

I have also done some conversions using the plastic models and various components.

Here is a rokkit launcha based on my previous conversion which uses a standard shoota and a grenade from the metal Stormboyz sprue. It is next to the metal Rokkit launcha Ork.

I have also convered some Big Shoota models. The left model uses the Big Shoota from an Ork Warbike, whilst the middle Ork uses two standard Shootaz stuck together. The model on the right is the metal Big Shoota Ork.

Here are the conversions undercoated.

Next stage is to paint them…

Highlighting Grots and painting their weapons

When I last posted about my Grots they looked like this.

The next stage was to drybrush the weapons and equipment with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal.

I then using Scorpion Green, highlighted the skin of the Grots, finishing off final highlights with a mix of Scorpion Green and Blazing Yellow.

The next stage is the **uniforms**.


I have already got two painted BoarBoyz and I have started to model and paint another. I had already painted the boar and was intending to use the metal Warhammer Orc which I had bought, but in the end used the same plastic Orc legs from the Orc Warriors Command Sprue as the metal Warhammer Orc Boar rider was “too different” and in my mind would have looked out of place.

I wanted to give this rider a spear so decided to have the Shoota carried on the Ork’s back. Using green stuff I modelled a strap for the gun.

I am not that good with green stuff, but for a gaming model (this is no Golden Demon entry) it works for me.

Where’s the spear, well I haven’t stuck it on yet!