I got a couple of Ruined Factorum sprues that came with Warhammer 40000 Imperium 34. The ruins are from the The Battlezone: Manufactorum – Sub-cloister and Storage Fane kit which did cost £37.50 at Games Workshop and contains two similar sprues. So at £8.99 you would be making a saving of £9.76. However you can’t buy the kit anymore anyhow.
This time, as before, you get two more corner ruins, all coming on a single sprue. They go together really easily. There are two corners, whereas with the other sprue you got a large corner and a smaller corner. This one is similar, but the smaller ruined corner is larger and the larger corner is smaller (if that makes sense).
One I am going to paint in the same manner as the first Ruined Factorum I got, the second I am intending to follow the (white and red) paint scheme as outlined in Warhammer 40000 Imperium.
This is the smaller corner and is constructed from two parts.
This is the larger corner, which has a floor. It has four parts. The first stage is to affix the skull Cog Mechanicum symbol to the round hole in the wall.
Then glue the two walls together, letting it dry before adding the floor.
The model has two pieces, a larger ruined building and a smaller ruined corner. I gave them a white undercoat.
This is the larger corner ruin.
I then gave the models another two sprays of Corax White. I then, following the instructions painted the doors and window frames with Mephiston Red base paint.
The model has two pieces, a larger ruined building and a smaller ruined corner.
According to the instructions in Warhammer 40000 Imperium the next step was to wash the models with Nuln Oil Shade.
I did this, but realised I wanted a slightly dirtier look as with the GW version. So I used some Agrax Earthshade Shade as well.
I hadn’t quite got the look I was hoping for, so I decided to do some more shading, using Agrax Earthshade Shade and Seraphim Sepia Shade.
I think the floor looks a lot better as well.
This was much better and, much more the effect I was trying to achieve.
I went about using some Agrax Earthshade Shade and Seraphim Sepia Shade on the smaller corner ruin.