This section of the workbench is devoted to terrain and scenery for Warhammer 40K,
- Another Ruined Factorum
- Blastscape
- Converted Ruined Factorum
- Forge World Generator
- Haemotrope Reactor
- Honoured Imperium
- Moonscape
- More Ruined Factorum conversions
- Munitorum Armoured Containers
- Ork Barricades
- Ork Defence Line
- Ork Desert Fort
- Ork Desert Fuel Depot
- Ork Mekboy Workshop
- Ruined Factorum
- Skyshield Landing Pad
- Stompa Gantry
- Thermic Plasma Conduits
- Urban Barricades and Walls
- Urban Basing Kit
- White Ruined Factorum
- Zone Mortalis: Floor Tile Set