Ork Fighter Bommerz on display at Warhammer World

These Ork Fighter Bommerz were on display at Warhammer World in Nottingham.

The Fighta-Bommer is the Orks’ primary tactical and strategic bombing aircraft. The Fighta-Bommer is capable of both void and atmospheric flight. It is used to bomb enemy bases and to assault enemy starships, or even in some cases to dogfight with enemy aircraft.

Constructed with typical Orkish crudeness, these rickety, gravity-defying contraptions are often surprisingly effective and dangerous to friend and foe alike, as is common with most Ork technology.

Ork Fighter Bommerz

Fighta-Bommerz are often deployed as air support during large Ork planetary invasions, or to serve as point defence for Ork starships.

Fighta-Bommerz are created by the few Meks who are interested in aircraft. As with all Ork vehicles, Fighta-Bommerz are kit-bashed affairs that usually defy the laws of aerodynamics, and fly despite their ungainly, brutish construction.

This Ork Fighter was part of the Shanty Town diorama.

Workbench feature on my plastic Ork Bommer.

Workbench feature on my Forge World Ork Bommer.

More photographs of Ork Bommerz.

Ork Fighter Bomma

This is the original Forge World Ork Fighter Bomma. The model was retired when the new plastic kits were released.

Ork Fighter Bommer

I purchased my Ork Bommer way back in 2003 at GamesDay. This project originally started off as a large transport for Epic, find out more here.

See the full workbench feature on the Ork Fighter Bomma.

Ork Fighter Bommerz at Warhammer World

These Ork Fighter Bommerz were on display at Warhammer World in Nottingham.

The Fighta-Bommer is the Orks’ primary tactical and strategic bombing aircraft. The Fighta-Bommer is capable of both void and atmospheric flight. It is used to bomb enemy bases and to assault enemy starships, or even in some cases to dogfight with enemy aircraft.

Constructed with typical Orkish crudeness, these rickety, gravity-defying contraptions are often surprisingly effective and dangerous to friend and foe alike, as is common with most Ork technology. Fighta-Bommerz are often deployed as air support during large Ork planetary invasions, or to serve as point defence for Ork starships.

Fighta-Bommerz are created by the few Meks who are interested in aircraft. As with all Ork vehicles, Fighta-Bommerz are kit-bashed affairs that usually defy the laws of aerodynamics, and fly despite their ungainly, brutish construction.

Workbench feature on my plastic Ork Bommer.

Workbench feature on my Forge World Ork Bommer.

More photographs of Ork Bommerz.

Ork Fighter Bommerz

An Ork Fighter Bommerz on display at Warhammer World in Nottingham.

Ork Fighter Bommerz

The Fighta-Bommer is the Orks’ primary tactical and strategic bombing aircraft. The Fighta-Bommer is capable of both void and atmospheric flight. It is used to bomb enemy bases and to assault enemy starships, or even in some cases to dogfight with enemy aircraft.

Constructed with typical Orkish crudeness, these rickety, gravity-defying contraptions are often surprisingly effective and dangerous to friend and foe alike, as is common with most Ork technology. Fighta-Bommerz are often deployed as air support during large Ork planetary invasions, or to serve as point defence for Ork starships.

Fighta-Bommerz are created by the few Meks who are interested in aircraft. As with all Ork vehicles, Fighta-Bommerz are kit-bashed affairs that usually defy the laws of aerodynamics, and fly despite their ungainly, brutish construction.

Workbench feature on my plastic Ork Bommer.

Workbench feature on my Forge World Ork Bommer.

More photographs of Ork Bommerz.

Ork Fighter Bommerz

These Ork Fighter Bommerz were on display at Warhammer World in Nottingham.

The Fighta-Bommer is the Orks’ primary tactical and strategic bombing aircraft. The Fighta-Bommer is capable of both void and atmospheric flight. It is used to bomb enemy bases and to assault enemy starships, or even in some cases to dogfight with enemy aircraft.

Ork Fighter Bommerz

Constructed with typical Orkish crudeness, these rickety, gravity-defying contraptions are often surprisingly effective and dangerous to friend and foe alike, as is common with most Ork technology. Fighta-Bommerz are often deployed as air support during large Ork planetary invasions, or to serve as point defence for Ork starships.

Ork Fighter Bommerz

Fighta-Bommerz are created by the few Meks who are interested in aircraft. As with all Ork vehicles, Fighta-Bommerz are kit-bashed affairs that usually defy the laws of aerodynamics, and fly despite their ungainly, brutish construction.

Ork Fighter Bommerz

Workbench feature on my plastic Ork Bommer.

Workbench feature on my Forge World Ork Bommer.

More photographs of Ork Bommerz.

Bommer Engine

I have both volumes of the Forge World Masterclass books and they are a real inspiration and full of ideas and techniques for painting and weathering models.

I wanted to try and emulate some of those techniques on the engine of the Ork Bommer.

I have been using a combination of inks and shades on a base coat of Bolt Gun Metal. I then want to highlight parts of the engine, as well as adding some more grunge.

I intend to use some Forge World weathering powders and Citadel Technical paints to further enhance and weather the engines. I might though in the first instance try them on another model to ensure it works out how I want them to, but also what happens when I varnish the model.

Washing the Bommer

The stage after painting the base coats and the details on the boomer I thought the next stage would be relatively much easier, however I was mistaken.

I was using a variety of Citadel shades initially, I left the boomer to dry. I found one of them I was using left a residue on the model. I was lucky that I was able to remove the residue with water and some kitchen towel. I am not sure what caused the problem, maybe one of age of my paints or not mixing it properly.

In the end I am quite pleased with the end result. What I was trying to achieve was a weathered aged look that is the result of a complete disregard to maintenance or care for the bommer. If this was a human Imperial Guard plane, it probably wouldn’t be able to fly, however as this is an Ork aircraft, it flies because of the sheer will of the pilot.

The next stage will be drybrushing, but in my next posting about the bommer I will look at the engine and engine details.

Detailing the Bommer

The next stage with the Ork Bommer was starting to add the details to the model. I have already given the model a two colour base coat, a base spray of German Armour Yellow, this was then followed by a second spray of British Armour Green. The base yellow was masked with blu-tac in an haphazard manner as would be befitting Orks.

In the past I would have painted the details Chaos Black and then dry brushed the details with Tin Bitz and Boltgun Metal. This process has fallen out of favour with me, and with this model I am going to use a technique that I originally tried on my Victorian Science Fiction Tunneller.

This underside view shows the engine in more detail.

The process is to first put down a base of Boltgun metal and then using shades and inks to add washes to bring out the detail.

I am also intending to use some of the Forge World weathering powders I purchased a few years ago, which I have never got around to using.

Here is the bommer with the turret and cockpit in place.

…and a close-up.

Ork Bommer Bitz

Here are two further components of my Ork Bommer, the cockpit and the rear turret assemblies. Initially they had a white sprayed undercoat.

The interiors were painted Chaos Black and drybrushed with Boltgun Metal. I then using Vallejo Middlestone for the exterior parts that will be showing. This (in theory) is the same colour as the original sprayed basecoat. The next stage