Landa coming in…

I have worked some more on my Landa.

First I added a base coat of Desert Yellow.

Epic Ork Landa

I then painted various panels different shades of brown, light and dark.

I then gave it a light wash of watered down Chestnut Ink with some Bestial Brown in.

Epic Ork Landa

As you can see I still have a few white holes in the “rivets” where both the original base coat and wash failed to penetrate.

Epic Ork Landa

The next stage is to drybrush out the gloss of the ink wash and fill in those holes.

Ork Landa

I have made a little bit of progress with my Landa.

I have blacked out all the metal parts and then drybrushed with Tin Bitz.

Ork Landa

In this close-up shot you can see the detail in the sculpturing, though some of those *rivets* would be a few feet wide!

Ork Landa

Having drybrushed with Tin Bitz, a light drybrush of Boltgun Metal to bring out the metal parts.

Ork Landa

Another view.

Ork Landa

The next stage is to paint it in Desert Yellow.

Doctor Who Quits

…well Chris does.

It would appear that Christoper Eccleston has announced he is quitting Doctor Who.

According to the BBC, Actor Christopher Eccleston has quit as Doctor Who after just one episode of the new series has been screened, the BBC has confirmed. Eccleston, whose first appearance as the ninth Time Lord attracted around 10 million viewers, feared being typecast.

I can see why, but why? One season, why not after two? Peter Davison always seemed to do okay.

Ah well.

Guardian says in reference to Daleks, “This time they can fly…”

Well with Doctor Who back on the telly tonight (yeah), The Guardian on the front of their weekly Guide have a couple of Daleks with the byline This time they can fly…

The Daily Mirror back in October also mentioned how the Daleks can now fly!

Well this is where I turn into a real Doctor Who anorak…

Remembrance Of The Daleks As anyone who has seen Remembrance of the Daleks (from the Sylvester McCoy era) will know that Daleks could fly upstairs and was used to great effect in the first episode cliffhanger.

The Doctor runs up the stairs to escape a Dalek only to find the Dalek could now fly up the stairs…

So Daleks have been able to fly since 1988 (or should that be 1963 as that is when the episode is set).

All you really need to know is that Doctor Who is back on BBC 1 tonight at 7pm and there is also a behind the scenes programme straight afterwards on BBC THREE.