Mk IV Venerable Dreadnought

A MkIV Dreadnought which is part of Mike Sharpe's superb Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006.
A MkIV Dreadnought which is part of Mike Sharpe’s superb Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006.

It is part of Mike Sharpe’s Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006.

It is a Forgeworld model, the Citadel Venerable Dreadnought is awful as it basically consists of the plastic kit (which is nice) and then cover it in metal parts. It just looks like they are stuck on (which they are), whereas the Forgeworld model looks more “real” in comparison.

Space Wolves Space Marine Razorback

This is the Space Wolves Space Marine Razorback from part of Mike Sharpe’s superb Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006.

Forgeworld Razorback, it is part of Mike Sharpe's superb Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006.
Forgeworld Razorback, it is part of Mike Sharpe’s superb Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006

This is the Forgeworld version of the Razorback with the much bigger turret, which I much prefer over the plastic kit version that you get in the shops. As it is only £2 more now, I think the Forgeworld version is much better value for money.

Though you would get some spare parts with the plastic version…

This is the plastic version.

GW Lascannon Razorback, it is part of Mike Sharpe's superb Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006.
GW Lascannon Razorback, it is part of Mike Sharpe’s superb Space Wolves army, which was on show at GamesDay 2006

This is the Space Wolves Space Marine Razorback. Compare this to the Forgeworld version of the Razorback with the much bigger turret above, which I much prefer over the plastic kit version that you get in the shops. The problem I have is that the turret is really small.

Fantastic fantasy scenery from the talented hands of Dave Andrews…

In the most recent UK White Dwarf, issue 325, January 2007, was a battle report.

Battle Report: March of the Damned: We take two of Warhammer game’s toughest characters and pitch them headlong into mortal combat with one another. Will the evil of Manfred Von Carstein win out, or will the nobility of Kurt Helborg take the day?

This battle report featured three superb fantasy buildings, alas though they were shown in a few photographs, they were quite difficult to see. It was promised that more would be seen in the next issue of White Dwarf.

I was lucky to take photographs of all three buildings at GamesDay 2006. So here they are a month before White Dwarf.

I have posted two of the buildings before on the blog.

The buildings are from the talented hands of Dave Andrews and include this observatory.

Observatory by Dave Andrews

A wonderful boat building combination.

Also a building with some wierd undead type thing on the roof.

They are really well done and very Warhammer’ish.

Pity that we won’t see Forgeworld versions!