Orks with Twin Big Shootas

Forgeworld weapon systems…

I have started putting together my Orks with Forgeworld Twin Big Shootas.

They are very nice resin pieces.

Though they are designed as weapon systems for Forgeworld vehicles, it would be nice if they also allowed you to use them as standalone heavy weapons by including a ground mount.

I may scratchbuild some ground mounts allowing my Orks to have additional heavy weapons on the ground rather than just attached to the vehicles.

What do you mean it is not in the Codex…. it doesn’t matter.

Grot Cutta

I originally bought this model for my Flintloque army.

It is a Gorkamorka Grot Cutta.

I am intending to use it with my Warhammer 40K Ork army as an alternative buggy.

The model originally came with two rear rubber tires, I decided (as it was a fantasy napoleonic army) to use the WH40K metal wheels. I have kept them as I think it looks better that way.

Forge World Squiggoth

Though I have had the model for some time, I wanted to surprise my opponent so I have not put any details out about it.

It is a superb casting and well sculptured and in my opinion a much nicer model than the bigger version (can’t spell Gargantuan).

Today I had a chance to use it in a game and yes my opponent was surprised.

You can find out how I painted it here. Here is a picture of work in progress.

There is still some work to do on it, but it is virtually finished.

Built Forgeworld Epic Squiggoth

Glued all the little pieces together…

I have (following the pictures on the Forgeworld website) glued my Epic Squiggoth together.

It came together relatively easily and it helped having a picture reference especially when it came to sticking the gun platform on.

It is a very well detailed model and full of character.

Imperial Guard Tank Landing Craft

Epic conversion using the Airfix LCVP kit…

I have always had a fondness for the concept of small craft naval actions in Epic, reminiscent of the brown water forces of the Vietnam War.

I have just purchased a 1/72nd Airfix kit of the WWII LCVP Landing Craft.

1/72nd Airfix kit of the WWII LCVP Landing Craft

I didn’t know this kit existed until recently when I saw it as part of a larger D-Day boxed set. I knew Airfix had made a tank landing craft in the past (which came with a Sherman tank and is still available (and was also in the D-Day boxed set)) but always thought it was too big for converting into an Epic size vessel.

This infantry landing craft is as you might expect much smaller and therefore makes it ideal conversion material.

1/72nd Airfix kit of the WWII LCVP Landing Craft

The kit is pretty good in that it also contains components to make beach obstacles.

It is a full hull kit, so I will probably need to sand the base down a little to make it a waterline kit.

The real task will be epicising the model to make it look similar to the Epic models and less a 1/72nd kit. For this I will use plastic strip and lots of bits from Epic models such as Hydra turrets.