There are four metal models from this range on the workbench. I gave the models a white undercoat. Here is one of the models, an officer with a pistol.
Tag: robot mummy
1914 British Infantryman on guard with rifle and bayonet
There are four metal models from this range on the workbench. I gave the models a white undercoat. Here is one of the models, an infantryman on guard with rifle and bayonet.
I have been looking at a few online forums for guides on how to paint these. Going for a relatively simple and quick paint job, probably basecoat, webbing and other details, followed by a wash before final detailing.
1914 British Infantry
1914 British Infantry
I have four metal models from this range that I bought some time ago, not sure if that was the only ones I bought or if I have merely mislaid and lost the others…. I thought I had ten, but there are only four.
I gave the models a white undercoat. Here is one of the models, an infantryman advancing.
I will give the models a base coat of khaki next.
I have been thinking about how I might use the models once I have finished painting them. I did think they would work well in a Victorian Science Fiction Scenario alongside my Steam Tank.
Another idea was to use them in a Doctor Who scenario fighting the Robot Mummies or the Cybermen. They are almost the right era for the Robot Mummies and would make for an interesting pre-UNIT or even Torchwood scenario.
Robot Mummy
In a recent game of Legends of the Old West I actually used all four Robot Mummies from my collection of Doctor Who models, as hired thugs.

They didn’t have weapons, but fought in hand to hand combat, by squeezing their opponents.

You can see how I painted them on the workbench feature.
Basing the Robot Mummys
Back in the 1990s Harlequin Miniatures produced a licensed range of 28mm metal miniatures and I bought back a few of the blisters, including the robot mummy.
The Robot Mummy in the TV series was quite an aged light brown colour, certainly not white.
After painting them I started on their bases. The Robot Mummys in the TV series were running around a Victorian Gothic mansion in 1911 rather than the surface of Mars; so I decided to give them grassy temperate bases rather than Martian sand.
Here are all four.
Robot Mummy
Back in the 1990s Harlequin Miniatures produced a licensed range of 28mm metal miniatures and I bought back a few of the blisters, including the robot mummy.
The Robot Mummy in the TV series was quite an aged light brown colour, certainly not white.
I gave the four models I had, after undercoating, a basecoat of Vallejo Ivory (918).
After that I brushed over the models a watered down brown wash.
The rear view.
This was to “age” the bandages.
Robot Mummy
Back in the 1990s Harlequin Miniatures produced a licensed range of 28mm metal miniatures and I bought back a few of the blisters, including the robot mummy.
Having had a look at what was actually in the box of miniatures I found I had four of them.
The next stage after cleaning the metal miniatures was to give them a white undercoat.
Then a basecoat of very light brown, or ivory.
Robot Mummy
The Pyramids of Mars was broadcast in 1975 and is one of my favourite Doctor Who episodes of all time. The robot mummy is probably one of the reasons for that, it was an ideal Who villain.
Back in the 1990s Harlequin Miniatures produced a licensed range of 28mm metal miniatures and I bought back a few of the blisters, including the robot mummy.
Now I just need a pyramid!