Deth Koptas

Here is a flight of Deth Koptas from a recent game.

They performed well, though my opponent was somewhat confused over what they were. Were they vehicles or were they infantry.

Bikes can be confusing even more so when they are akin to Jetbikes like the Deth Koptas.

No real solution, but I may be tempted to use them as Wartrakks rather then Warbikes.


I already have the metal models and they are painted and finished.

Using components from the Stormboyz metal bitz I am converting some plastic Ork models into Tankbustas.


The middle model has an Orc Warrior shield arm, which I have drilled a hole through the fist. I then cut one of the Stormboyz grenades in half before putting the two halves through the hole and sticking them with superglue.

I start off with a black undercoat and then do all the metallic bitz with a drybrush of tin bitz and chainmail.

This unit will also have an Ork with a converted Rokkit Launcha.


I have finished sticking my Ork Stormboyz together.

Stormboyz Rokkit Packs

The models which come as a multi-part plastic and metal kit have also had components from the Orc Warriors Warhammer sprue used.


They have now being undercoated black. Their jump packs have been undercoated white and I am painting them separately (hence they are glued to a strip of thick plasticard as shown here before being undercoated).


I am intending to paint the jump packs in reds and yellows.

The jump packs in my mind would make excellent large rockets for Epic Armageddon, however at £2 each they are quite expensive, if you wanted a large number it would be cheaper to buy the Stormboyz boxed set!