I took a photograph of this concept sketch at the Forge World displays at GamesDay 2005.
Now six years later we’ve not seen anything like this appear from the depths of the Forge World studio, though we have seen very similar models.
First impression was that this was a Thunderhawk Transporter.
It carries stuff, it carries a Land Raider. However though it has similarities, which makes me think the sketch is for a Space Marine vehicle, is it a Thunderhawk Transporter? Probably no.
We’ve also had the Valkyrie Sky Talon which does look similar, but the Sky Talon is for moving the Tauros Venator rather than some big infantry pod.
Likewise I don’t think the Caestus Assault Ram was derived from this sketch, much more likely that the Assault Ram was a big Land Speeder!
The reason for discussing the sketch is the current rumours flying around about a mystery Space Marine vehicle.
There’s word of a new Space Marine vehicle in the works. Here’s the latest we’ve heard.
Apparently this is the big “new kit” to accompany the updated Codex:Space Marines.
-The term “Space Marine Gunship” has been mentioned.
-It’s NOT the Stormraven
-It’s NOT the Caestus Assault Ram
-Its NOT an “assault themed” vehicle
-There are whispers of that ancient bit of fluff regarding the “missing link transport” Astartes vehicle.
So it’s not the Stormraven either! Could it be this?
So is that sketch from GamesDay 2005 any indication of what we might see, or something completely unrelated, we’re going to have to wait and see.