The Battle of Vesh’yo – Tau versus Adeptus Mechanicus

This diorama of The Battle of Vesh’yo was on display at Warhammer World.

The legions of the Cult Mechanicus launch an assault on the resource-rich Tau colony world of Vesh’yo, intent on plundering it to feed the insatiable appetites of their Forge Worlds. The mighty Titans of Legio Atarus walk alongside the Knights of House Col Khak, bound to the Lords of Mars by oaths of fealty even older than the Imperium. But will this be enough to defeat the cutting-edge technology of the upstart xenos? Can even a Titan prevail against T’au Supremacy Armour?

There was a huge display of Tau forces defending themselves against an attacking force of Imperial Knights and Titans. At the heart of the display is the huge Tau Manta.

The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12

One of the displays at Warhammer World was this Horus Heresy battle, entitled, The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12.

Traitor forces breach the Imperial Fist’s last defensive lines at Outpost Sigma-12 on Cthonia. Undermined by the Sons of Horus’ subterranean onslaught, the Loyalists are determined to fight to the last in the name of the Emperor.

They ultimately reap such a toll of Traitor lives that any victory won was a hollow one. This battle would be one of the last fought during the Horus Heresy, for shortly after its bloody conclusion Horus launched his assault on the Emperor’s Palace on distant Terra.

A wider view of the Sons of Horus assault on the Imperial Fists. In the background is a loyalist titan.

The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12
The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12
The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12
The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12
The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12
The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12
The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12

More photographs of The Fall Of Outpost Sigma-12.

Adeptus Titanicus at Warhammer World

At Warhammer World there was an Adeptus Titanicus diorama. Across an Imperial city Titans of various sizes were strolling into battle.

Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan walking into battle.

Reaver Titan striding through the Imperial City.

Massive Warlord Battle Titan.

The midst of battle.

A traitor Warbringer Nemesis Titan moves into battle.

Huge Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan marching into battle.

Warlord Battle Titan.

This was a Warlord Battle Titan.

This traitor Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan was facing down the Warlord.

Alongside was the Warbringer Nemesis Titan.

The loyalist forces included a Reaver Battle Titan.

Warhound Scout Titan

Epic Battle Group

This is an Epic Battlegroup of mine.The models are from the 1990s.

The Warlord Titan is the original plastic model from the original Adeptus Titanic game, complete with plastic weapons.

The Land Raiders are plastic models, whilst the dreadnoughts are the original metal castings from Space Marine.

The scenery is from the (now defunct) Snapdragon Studio.

The models were painted in a similar manner with a light brown base coat and an ink wash.

Painting the Warlord Titan Base

Having landscaped and undercoated my Titan bases, I used Basilicanum Grey contrast paint as a basecoat. I then started drybrushing and detailing the bases. I have already posted the Reaver Titan base.

This is the Warlord base.

Here is the base with the Warlord legs.

Another view of the base.

The base with a taller Warlord Titan.

Undercoating the Titan Armour

It is recommended in the Adeptus Titanic Titan instructions to paint the legs before adding the armour plates. Looking at the armour plates I did think it might be challenging to paint the back of them once affixed. So I decided to follow the instructions and paint the legs first and then paint armour plates separately.

I also decided to paint the armour plates “on the bone” leaving them on the sprue.

I gave the sprues a white spray undercoat on both sides, before giving the rear side of the plates a spray of Leadbelcher.

These are the Reaver sprues.

These are the Warlord sprues.

Still thinking about the actual paint scheme for the titans.

Landscaping the Titan bases

I have been browsing the web, Instagram and Twitter looking at how people have been basing their Adeptus Titanicus titans. I was a little surprised by how many people were using Epic models and scenery. The new Adeptus Titanicus is a different scale to the original Adeptus Titanicus (and Epic) with a figure scale of roughly 8mm compared to the 6mm of Epic. In other words a third larger!

However I knew I had a box of old Epic 40000 ruins sprues somewhere in the garage and went to hunt them down. I was a little surprised by how many of them I had in the box. 

So I took some of the ruins and affixed them to the bases that came with the titans, focusing initially on the Warlord Titan and the Reaver Titan (as I had constructed their legs so had an idea of where I could put the scenic items. I also used some plasticard strip, as well as a few spare parts I had from one of my Ork Aeronautica Imperialis model kits.

Having done that I added some slate rubble from an old Warhammer 40 Urban Basing Kit. This I left to dry before then finishing off the base with some Citadel Sand.

This is the Warlord Titan base.

I then gave the base a white undercoat.

With some Warlord Battle  Titan legs.

I did a similar thing for the Reaver. Continue reading “Landscaping the Titan bases”