Orks advance through ruined buildings

Here is a photograph from a recent game in which my Orks attempted to attack a heavily defended ruined Imperial City.

Here they are advancing through a ruined building.

Orgs fighting through the ruins of an Imperial City

Here are my Ork Stormboyz about to use their jumpacks.

Ork Stormboyz

Here are Simon’s Imperial Guard defending a ruined Administratum from an assault by my Orks.

Imperial Guard Squads

Imperial Guard Tarantula stands guard.

Imperial Guard Tarantula armed with Bolters

Ork Stormboyz

I have been making progress on my jet packed Ork Stormboyz.

I am using the same process on these which I have used on my other Orks, however I am using shades of brown rather than grey.

The jump packs are being painted with different colours of brown with red nose cones. They have had a Chestnut Ink and Scorched Brown wash.

Some of the models have used Warhammer Fantasy Orc components.

Ork Stormboyz

Jet pack equipped Orks whom fly into battle.

I have been making progress on my jet packed Ork Stormboyz.

I am using the same process on these which I have used on my other Orks, however I may use shades of brown rather than grey.

The jump packs are being painted with different colours of brown with red nose cones.

Some of the models have used Warhammer Fantasy Orc components.


I have finished sticking my Ork Stormboyz together.

Stormboyz Rokkit Packs

The models which come as a multi-part plastic and metal kit have also had components from the Orc Warriors Warhammer sprue used.


They have now being undercoated black. Their jump packs have been undercoated white and I am painting them separately (hence they are glued to a strip of thick plasticard as shown here before being undercoated).


I am intending to paint the jump packs in reds and yellows.

The jump packs in my mind would make excellent large rockets for Epic Armageddon, however at £2 each they are quite expensive, if you wanted a large number it would be cheaper to buy the Stormboyz boxed set!