Imperial Guard Malcador Heavy Tank

Imperial Guard Malcador Heavy Tank
Imperial Guard Malcador Heavy Tank

Named after a mysterious figure from the Imperium’s earliest days, Malcador the Sigillite (-a close advisor to the Emperor during the Battles of Unification, and the man credited with founding the Administratum of Terra), the tank is a mobile fortress, heavily armed and armoured but slow. Mounting multiple heavy bolters for all-round defence, side-sponson weapons and a demolisher cannon in a limited-traverse hull mount.

Death Korps of Krieg Imperial Guard Malcador Heavy Tank in winter camouflage. In the display cabinets at GamesDay 2008. Beautifully painted and constructed.

More photographs of the Imperial Guard Malcador Heavy Tank.

Imperial Guard Tanks

One of the reasons for going to GamesDay are the huge display games, my personal favourites are the ones form Forge World.

This one representing part of the Siege of Vraks had titans, super heavy tanks, and lots of trenches and guns.

Here Death Korps of Krieg tanks move forward to combat the Chaos menace.

Imperial Guard Tanks

To see more pictures from GamesDay 2008 have a look at my GamesDay 2008 Gallery.

Imperial Guard Heavy Mortar

One of the reasons for going to GamesDay are the huge display games, my personal favourites are the ones form Forge World.

This one representing part of the Siege of Vraks had titans, super heavy tanks, and lots of trenches and guns.

Here is a Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Mortar, field artillery is often used by Imperial Guard commanders to pound enemy positions.

Death Korps of Krieg Heavy Mortar during the Siege of Vraks

To see more pictures from GamesDay 2008 have a look at my GamesDay 2008 Gallery.

Death Korps of Krieg

One of the things you may miss on this blog amongst all my entries, tags and pictures, is the community feed which is down on the right underneath the tag cloud. Update: with the demise of Google Reader, the community feed has been removed.

There are usually some wonderful things in that feed, but one which really caught my eye recently was this fantastic Death Korps of Krieg army.

Death Korps of Krieg

That is just one of many photographs of the army from the Senji Studios blog. I really like the aged and weathered look of the armoured vehicles and the infantry are well painted as well.

Excellent go and have a close look, there are lots more photos and bigger photos at that. Update: the site is now offline.

Hades Breaching Drill now available on pre-order

When you have a fortified position which you absolutely, resolutely need to get through, then choose the Hades Breaching Drill.

It does what it says on the tin!

The excellent new Death Korps of Krieg Hades Breaching Drill is now available to pre-order from Forge World. A few will be available on GamesDay 2008 in Birmingham and at only £26 I suspect they will go fast, very fast…

Here are a couple of photos to remind you what it’s like.

Hades Breaching Drill

Just the thing to take out that fortified Ork stronghold that I have (not) been building.

Hades Breaching Drill

Really nice model, nice to see something different. Now if we could see more innovative Ork stuff and slightly less Imperial Guard I think I would be happier!

Hades Breaching Drill

When you have a fortified position which you absolutely, resolutely need to get through, then choose the Hades Breaching Drill.

It does what it says on the tin!

This is the excellent new Death Korps of Krieg Hades Breaching Drill.

Hades Breaching Drill

Just the thing to take out that fortified Ork stronghold that I have (not) been building.

Hades Breaching Drill

Really nice model, nice to see something different. Now if we could see more innovative Ork stuff and slightly less Imperial Guard I think I would be happier!

Thanks to BoLS for heads up.

The Mole Mortar is back!

The infamous Mole Mortar is back!

At the Warhammer 40K 5th Edition bash at Warhammer World yesterday (12th June) Forge World had on display a sneek peek of a Krieg Engineer team with Mole Launcher; which has to be a Mole Mortar by any other name!

The Mole Mortar is back!

Nice model and a must for anyone using Death Korps of Krieg.

Thanks to BoLS.